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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. I literally went oh shit, and then doin the math it's been 12 min past that / . . .. . . . . Our new ma ma pa pa pa perfect illusion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogJdtJj7GZk but I think I'm growin to like it?
  2. Just bc of like stan experience but like. How reliable is this
  3. . . . . . we just want. news. . .. . .
  4. I think I read that article a while back, and I think what drew me in was the depth of feeling in her voice. around that time I remember like the music scene was ultra happy n all about empowerment, so there wasn't really any space to feel? and I ended up liking her bc of it. Like it's important to be strong and have ur wits about you, but sometimes its nice and also very much necessary to feel things out and explore yourself. There are definitely other things that kept me listening to her music but yeah, that's what got me. Don't really think that its's exactly queer, but then u have the hyperfeminine energy (which personally is fun to do to just troll sometimes hahahahahaha), the daddy kink, and just like the overall adventures the songs help u do when ur adventuring. It's great.
  5. Real quick, this was greaaaaaat, I only know of the spotify singles.. nd don't really know of the other ones online. i think it's cus her music's already so dance-able that I never really looked into remixes .. nd i'm not used to em. but. some remixes that I actually do like :
  6. I don't think she'll be saying anything about the leaks or speeding up her process. Atmosphere now, and her disregarding SL's leak, it just wouldnt b consistent.. this sucks for all of us ngl
  7. I wonder if there's like a sexier song than HML bc wow that'd b a SERVE
  8. this is gonna be real random, but does anyone have any favorite gaga remixes? also, i'm kinda hoping she tops I Want Your Love, in terms of quality. or just like, in general. THAT song
  9. Maaaannnn like. Forever, each listen, and especially each video replay. I'm fucking grateful I'm part of this generation just- whew. I can't get over it here have a stream : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbJE-KVZvTA this track has my heart
  10. Jewels 'N Drugs - Lady Gaga
  11. Idk why but kid me was like gyrating to this some kind of magic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tu0cNDG3GH8
  13. Sweet as they were I was not about to bite a lemon. but. they probably did taste as good / wait up. n also i just have ta tease OP. They're obviously WATERMELONS
  14. YES!! I remember making sweet lemonade w my family before and not having to add anything to them, just well I mean water, but yeah! Aren't they??
  15. fun fact! when I was younger we had this tree at the back that actually had a sweet variation of lemons, bc the people who lived there before us did some sort of like, plant mingling? idk the term, but basically w oranges. Sweet orangey lemons. there u go
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxGMK9Hb6n8
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjOJ_2DbzcQ
  18. Dissecting the tracklist.. I wonder what the Chromatica tracks are going to be like. Worst case scenario, they're interludes, which leaves 13 whole tracks left.. but still. Alice sounds amazing already. Trippy vibes. We know SL Rain on Me, pop SOLID Free Woman, already sounds gay-friendly Fun Tonight, bring IT 911 Plastic Doll Sour Candy Enigma - I can already tell it's gonna be some kind of wild pop. an enigma, an engima, but I wonder what the mystery's gonna b about Reply - Sine From Above - some kind of rock infused? 1000 Doves ... the ballad? Babylon - The cool down, or?
  19. Guess who's gonna b replaying Replay
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