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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. lemme raise u this. bc if they were oranges, they'd have belly buttons, but they don't. the shades are actually lemon nips. i'm not even kidding. alsso, the buttons would be darker and look impressed on the fruit. but they're not. the crescents at their ends were painted to make the fruits skin raised, bc. they're nips. they're lemon nips.
  2. Ohmygod u know what. From a certain angle, they do look like lemons..
  3. I guess more of like personal observation from where it is here. It's been a while since I've been updated, classes have been missile-ing my sched but things are getting better. I think the last time we were updated, the quarantine/isolation date was pushed to may 15th? which is in a few days now.. They're starting to open the beaches again. and I think more people are allowed to work for their companies/small businesses again? they're opening a major park/public area tmrw.. there are like 33k cases around the counties I'm grateful I can go outside so freely, social distancing. hike/run around the neighborhood. I miss the gym so so SO much. not affected, but I'd like to start working again. I'm a pretty reserved person (surprise!), but I still miss being able to go outside and be w distant proximity with crowds. Something about watching em from a distance makes me feel like society's moving and life's starting again and that makes me happy somehow .. I hate not being able to converse and interact w people properly. survival mode is waay different from living, and it feels like our humanity's been stripped from us and I hate it.. It's usually sadness or indifference in people's eyes. I bonded w this one woman who made eye contact w me this one time, gesturing like, wtf are these people crowding the aisle for. the casual reaction was warming hahahaha People I've seen when getting supplies haven't really been social distancing properly, and it feels like the wave hasn't really hit? yet. at the back of my mind, it feels so terribly surreal, but in actuality, time's still passed and the globe's still spinning, but it feels like we're just defeating ourselves more than anything bc progress still needs to occur/happen .. of course there's still humor to the overall situation. Zooming, and like, a willingness to facetime and voice call, when texts were more preferred before Everyday tasks all seem like major events, and u can't help but wonder lol is this what life is like now? hahahahahahahaha family arguments are more pronounced, but it's just cute bc most of the time, u can see the 2 parties get over themselves. eventually lol the occasional, it just b that way sometimes getting checked out when ur out/checking someone out, but not being able to act bc u don't wanna risk it :skull: how things literally, literally anything turn into jokes bc u start wondering if it's just absurd when u scale it back to life, and then THAT's made a joke be safe peeps. this's been. something how are things in ur guys' areas?
  4. I kinda wish the straps/garter were white/irridescent or something to make em feel a lot more, balanced.. and the contrast and detail diff would make it look more versatile n "official" looking.. I honestly wonder if she'll start selling condoms ciggies n lighters or something .. I wouldn't b opposed to it I guess
  5. mm and that just gets me thinking what was done by then and how everything was planned..
  6. mm ok cool thanks! I was thinking of getting the cassettes but part of me just really wants a vinyl w the original cover so i'm waiting it out.. I know the physicals are just cherries on top, but its great that it wont b too far off the digital releasee. I personally don't need the cd, but thought it'd be nice to support her that way and the signature drew me to it.. the official cover'd look soo good on vinyl it's gotta happen
  7. I honestly hope so too. I know she uses shots like that more for singles, but I hope it comes thru.. The Terrence Loves You cover was BEAUTIFUL
  8. i mean not just cus it's a drink, but it sounds refreshing im gonna have to look that up! Loooooool but ok, the orange component already sounds good with it yeah
  9. they areeeeee! and mm I think so too. I think it might b because of the photo "texture"(?) of it, and the overall at the beach vibes. it feels like a classic kind of aesthetic it's great. sorta reminds me of an updated may jailer throwback
  10. Oof so in the ways of that one fan calling her mother in the netflix documentary. Happy mother's day to Ms. Rah Rah. not a mom to me, but I appreciate u and the overall fanbase ah ! Just in case she wanted to hear that from someone comment's out here
  11. V true. I think w all those words, and the vagueness of it. it's hard not to try and read between the lines. main point tho, she's found something incredibly meaningful to her, happy about it, and celebrating what she can. sometimes letting go means more for love than arguing etc./ staying in bad graces w someone. Ok so. check her owtt this is album cover material.
  12. ok cool, sounds good thanks ! august thooo ahh lol. I was thinking of getting deluxe but didn't wanna potentially have to wait that long, have another shipping cost etc. etc. nd I'm waiting for some kind of vinyl w the original cover, pink vinyl- ah I hope we get something like it
  13. I know we waited literally over a year for this record to've been released, but it's timing was pretty great. especially w everything going on.. a lot gets intensified. California burns a lot steadier. There's a lot more anguish in TG, Fuck it, I love you's tempo sort of mentally speeds up Doin Time sounds like a Twilight zone episode TNBAR sounds a lot more mythic Cinnamon gets headier Love song, Venice, even HtD, a lot more poignant Hope, more anthemic Bartender, a lot more playful and then as counterpoints, u've got MAC and HiaB that feel more centering Strangely enough, how the title track's all calm at the start, roller coasts n loops thru that to end w hope, it's almost as if it's betraying the salvaging quality of the album cover. nd, at least for me, gets you wondering if getting stuck at sea and finding an island's a refuge, and if so, for how long? sometimes it gets me thinking about how important memories are and like, how to make better ones
  14. I'm kinda wondering which track'd be best for pizza. hmm.
  15. So. its the 10th. and. well I just wanted to know, when do shipments usually start for cd's and stuff? shipped a week before? release day? I usually buy my music in stores so. 'course there're factors w shipping bc of we all know, but yeah, what's usually the anticipation experience of it w shipping etc.?
  16. I have to say atm, West Coast for me's some kind of savory, bourbon steak burger, crisped sweet grilled onions in batter. w some kind of horseradish sauce, nd nutty variant of cheese.. maybe like, gruyere or something? can't really specify at the moment.. with a jalapeño kick.. with some kind of sweet raspberry drizzle on the side.. slightly roasted tomatoes, and in idk a ciabatta bun.. maybe sourdough.. with an ipa, and seasoned fries w maybe mozzarella, maybe some mozzie sticks, cayenne and a little salt.. that by the beach? ohmygaaawd iced tea and a tall glass of iced water. sunsets. waves. slight tans and like, the smell of cologne mixed w the smell of pasted used up sunblock oof
  17. no offense but why does this sound like a joke but like. at least it's not like, straight from the bottle ketchup
  18. Cinnamon Girl can be some kind of cinnamon tea, with chocolate truffles on the side. Love song'll be some kind of pasta dish, with fresh oysters pref.. I wonder which track Jumbalaya would be..
  19. So. was the version we got the final or the demo?
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