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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. Ok I'm just gonna say it bc I was taken aback at how much of an alien kink song Brite Lites is
  2. I don't think I've really got much to contribute, but I was watching this movie called Mrs. Caldicots Cabbage Wars w an aunt, and it was the strangestedly funny thing everrrrrr https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1K23TTi4X1Q sdbdjbvdklnskl I'm not watching it again, but there was this scene where they were playing w cabbages it's on the 54 min mark.
  3. Cinnamon Girl vs. FIILY (vinyl, stripped version)
  4. Live or Die vs. Is It Wrong?
  5. I wish she made separate videos from the triple vid. I've been wanting to watch HiaB alone for ages now. Would've been nice
  6. Queen of making me cry and dance like strange anxiety lightning rod https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chSZCtLrgz8
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxUqBS_gzfM
  8. seasons change all the time - still wish for that pistachiooo ice cream, on topic, where is LiB
  9. Ohhhh I mean I guess that's smart. the possible(?) theatrics of it seems a bit dramatic/extortionary- I just discovered her making a playlist n one of her songs came up as a rec and I LOVED it
  10. Heyo no lol don't take it serious it was supposed to b a joke ur all good, sorry too and ah yeah, it's a blessing and a curse, blessing n a curse w/ ur wish, the album comes out, but she decides to wait an entire year to release it after releasing 3 tracks off the album I wish we got Life is Beautiful.mp3
  11. now that's just homophobic wish above, you get an inch shorter but now you've lost your feet idk .. Wish for telepathy or something . .
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJJXzwkEFCs
  13. At the start of the thread, bc of Touch My Body.mp3. but. can anyone give me a crashcourse on this girl I'm boppppiiiiing edit: brb no it's cool doin it myself stream mine.mp3 edit: . .. so. she blew up, was cyber bullied/staged(?) something bout nudes. then ends up on a gossip magazine. something about Ayesha Erotica. Robokid's a cutie. Album comes out, the vinyl is piiiiink , but now she's over bc of past racist tweets? all 77 pages
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPDxfvRKg7A **
  15. must've subconsciously felt bad hahahahahaha x-ray vision works too well that everything you wanna try seeing through just gets u seeing the black of the universe. so like, cosmic static. wish for some pistachio ice cream
  16. Looooooool and what the hecccccck I won't b visiting then.. I can't corrupt that wish. that's like, pure. uhh. ok ..you'll be a father, but the child is really inquisitive and makes you have to explain your reasoning which drives you nuts sometimes? I don't really have all that energy to make a wish right now so. I wish for it to rain hard for a few days idk
  17. Forsure, but then u accidentally sneeze during and u both make the most sour lemonade faces bc of it and it erases the magic that recent moment ago I wish I had like unlimited gasoline trips to drive anywhere I wanted w/o having to pay lol
  18. Kill twitter fock insta marry LB? this was. something .. edit: oh wtf we can break the rules ok, not marry LB Doja Cat Cardi B Nicki Minaj
  19. Get IITTTTTTT Skin's such a track. / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9uk_B5Tac0
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqv35UZepIM
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVhJ_A8XUgc
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