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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. I just wanted to say that really, the in your arms snippet sounds so much more like a part of a song we've already heard. The key sounds like a bridge to something
  2. I'm just real excited to see the cover and what UO will do with its vinyl
  3. LOOOOL say what u want, but this song was a gay teen Stream Kissin' U.mp3
  4. Everything HiaB wishes to b : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhT_6Yz-Nbc
  5. Mm also, I think, well at least for me, how it's been a bit more difficult or less effortless its been trying to figure out the track order's bc a lot of the tracks we've heard so far are really stable on their own. Venice, MAC, then HiaDT, Cinnamon and HiaB are kinda like the Summer Bummer nd Groupie Love for this record, then IYC, seems supplemental to either Venice or HiaB. The title track, feels strangely the most fresh yet still being directly attached to the record because of its very title and main concept (all from what we've heard so far) MAC is pretty strong, so it could either open the record, for a memorable, kind of glorious introduction to it, or close itbecause of how triumphant and clear it sounds. Cinnamon, from what we've heard so far, seems dependent to the record. HiaB, faintly too. HiaDT is movie soundtrack quality, defo memorable. The title track's another single-worthy one, but its tethered to the record bc it should hold it together, similar to her other title tracks. Bc the tracks sway from one to similar temperaments, we can't really make a narrative without knowing how she'd like the end to b, aside from HtD. That being said ~ 1. Norman Fucking Rockwell 2. 3. IYC 4. Cinnamon 5. Happiness is a Butterfly 6. Hope is a Dangerous Thing For a Woman Like Me to Have - But I Have It 7. Venice Bitch 8. 9. 10. How To Disappear 11. Mariners Apartment Complex MAC references Venice Bitch, Venice Bitch references the title track. - MAC seems like a dark before dawn kinda track, so I'd wanna say that Venice Bitch precedes it. - Venice Bitch is contemplative, so it'd make a lot of sense for the title track to precede Venice. She sings that she'll always be right here, no one's going anywhere; perfect for introducing the strength, courage and unwavering love she might have for someone she's been dealing problems with. Kinda like how Norman and her grew and blossomed together (possibly). Kinda like, there he is, here I am. Things turn to shit, but I'll be here for you. I've a trench of emotions I'll keep to myself, maye we'll grow up, hope u do, bc I'm already moving towards that. Hope to see you there, r u ready for it? Reflecting off all this, ya think she might've taken so long releasing anything bc of emotional closure and organizing the tracks into a concise narrative? They did start off as a collection of songs, and we know she stands by releasing things when they're emotionally authentic to her so -
  6. Even if the vids we've gotten so far have just been hodgepodges of clips put together, I think, or at least, I like how it lends a lot more to the imagination. More sorta like supplements to the music, than really directing it like she has before. Kinda like how MTWBT did. Venice is actually pretty stable, its just that MAC feels more like an offical audio vid than a mv, and the recycled footage almost begs other fans to want more than what theyve already seen, but really, beach industrial's been the main aesthetic for this era so far. I mean, fucking Long Beach. LONG BEACH. I'm personally in love
  7. Not gonna dig into that rn, but. I was thinking she could play off something like this, beach at night, catching the last shreds of color from the sky before it turned dark. Flash capturing her doing some kind of carefree pose. Couldnt get just the cover on mobile, so here's a vid showing the cover art : https://youtube.com/watch?v=FVds8pEOaaY Something similar like that for the back cover, with her on the front by the marina or something
  8. Oh fuck, I completely forgot about that tbh.. was kinda hoping it'd b a part of HiaB after some kind of lightning moment, like some strange fitting alteration to the track, but, and yeah HiaB's got that amazing insta snippet "Hollywood nd Vine black rabbit -- - " but, this w Cinnamon too, it's all so easily confusing on how which parts flow to which w both of those tracks. The fastest cars snippet just seems so brittlely abrupt, even if it is just a snippet nd lol ty, ty
  9. Hm. Right now at least, How To Disappear - "and I watched the guys getting high as they fight, for the things they hold dear, to forget the things they fear" Nostalgia-rampant, quickly reminds me of a Video Games lvl of a song Norman Fucking Rockwell - Not just bc it's new, but it's got an incredibly sprite melody, nd that LINE IYC - the most emotionally forthright n stripped-honest sounding song. Softly commanding nd most enchanting (snippet) HIADT/ Venice - keyboard smash's got an instant unforgettable title already, dramatic, but justified (gatekeeper lyric, wow) , Venice for being so unusually cathartic (Cherry Blossom's somewhere here) Mariners Apartment Complex - It's like what every turning point should sound like in song form. Cinnamon/ HiaB - Cinnamon's got POTENTIAL, HiaB's well-blended from a songwriting perspective. Both are cute, but sorta play around the same subject matter in different ways. Oddly compliment each other Doin' Time - It's fun nd almost groovy, but I strangely like the original a bit more
  10. Alright. Like. Lemme just shove the jokes aside for a bit, nd no need to really drag the thread down, it's fine, but oh.my.god.OHMYGAWD. Like I get how people love Wild On You, I like it too. But. I'm in fucking LOVE w Cherry Blossom. It makes me wanna settle down like 20 years from now, to then holding my kid(s) and comforting them after a minor scrape or watching them go to their first day of preschool, taking the day off and watching em cry while I let em go after some bandages and Eskimo kisses, and then having snacks for them after their first day, and getting extremely relieved that they had a great, great T-rrific day and while they talk about one of the other kids that they made friends with during the drive home. They're playing in the backyard amongst fir and yew trees, the sun's gleaming nd then snack time, nd hw after dinner. Lowkey sassing my husband for some shit but making up for it by remembering to remind him of something that's almost due, w some kind of snack/beverage that he likes that I picked up from the way home. Researching shit quietly here n there, knowing my family's shit w/o them knowing til they get brave, nd letting them think they won but being ok w it. Hobbies, family days, and my life's work while everyone's busy, eating together nd just lovingly annoying the fuck out of them for their own good, til they realize why tf I was. Til eventually they're fucking instigating things to do for Fathers' Day, getting me some particular shit that I had to help pick out for them and for their dad too. Lots of sarcasm, dumb jokes and laughing at how possibly they dk what to do, but helping em out then backing off at the right times. Fuck. I was thinking that, Cherry Blossom could be after How To Disappear, where she references "kids in the yard" , as some kind of hopeful, introspective tone to how she's gotten what she's must've wanted after a really long time of wanting it. I, personally think that'd b so beautiful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIRO6r1i2nU
  11. yes ! I mean I seldom see them post anything, but I appreciate em. Also, love the name
  12. I'm actually studying something that could very well delve into parts of that so hey ~ and ty bb
  13. She'll b on a naval base. squinting. lounging. w sailors. nd the vinyl will b pink
  14. It's false bc they didnt mention the vinyl color something we've ALL been waiting 4 too
  15. Ok this is unhealthy nd also not as important but ohmygod YES I HAVE BEEN WAITING 4 ONLY THIS. I hope the fucking skies rip open on a gloomy day, fucking halo'ing the disc I'll b fucking sobbing and my throat'll b sore after all the fucking yelling on the top of some fucking mountain they'll write urban legends of the fucking howls and the roaring of my speakers- and then the LFL music video'll start (but not really) and I'll do the same fucking thing all over again in another picturesque typa space, 'way from traffic with a some select kind of vice crying to overcompensate the limpness of the unripe first half of the year, like fucking mop it really was regarding this, nd probably almost die, but won't bc I'LL HAVE A FUCKING MOMENT OF SHARP SOBRIETY and then laugh at myself for almost having done so. Yes. (Like I seldom deal w any bs in real life but mygod. Love for u venice heaux, the fucking patient kind ) I'll save the fucking receipt and then listen to the tracks off pico or visit my local library, burn the tracks off the cd and never listen to them thru streaming edit: Sorry Harlow, this was hardly conversational, I genuinely hope u enjoy ur vinyl too whenever it arrives
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