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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. The bigger the hoops the bigger the hoe, give us another Cola-sized hoop kween
  2. I think Cinnamon might be a hoe in training, receiving mentor-ship from Maha Maha but I'm not exactly sure. I do hope we get something legendary like Cola/Freak tho
  3. @@LanaFlowers Well I mean I didn't really say I was so, that point might be off. I did attend Hillsong one time bc my sister, dont u fucking persecute her she accepts me being gay, she's amazing, even past the sibling bias, wanted to go during the holidays. (I s2g no one messes with her, she probably doesn't even know about the extensive history of the place, no sarcasm DO NOT GO THERE.) The music was uplifting, and there was a younger generation attending, which was refreshing, from the past older peeps I used to go sing choir with when I was younger. Do I still go? Definitely not. But have I cultivated my own beliefs and my own faith on certain things? Yes. Point 2, hate to break it to ya, and u probably are already aware of this thru one stream of consciousness or another, but people don't like being forced into doing things, add into the equation too that it's not for others to decided on where others go to worship. Sure they might've been somehow born into the religion, like me, or might've found points they wanted to bring into their lives on their own, We're all different and our circumstances too reflect that in detail. How they go, where they go, why they go and to which boundaries are all theirs to figure out, and I hope they come out better for everyone. It's an idea, but it's not in your domain to decide for others. If directed towards me specifically? Definitely I'd find a place that included everyone, a few years ago that would've been amazing, but the truth is, no matter how others see it is, I no longer don't. Do I still believe there's a higher power governing us somehow? Yes, but it really just includes me and him, it's a personal set of values and beliefs that I've cultivated for myself. I'm still pretty young, early 20's, and I've had so much fucking done to me, aside from one thing but I digress. Because I was one thing, or the other, if there's anything I've learned in life, I've learned that being in the middle doesn't always get you any applause or admiration as easily from either side, gay, believing in god, which spectrum of ethnicity I'm in, how I might seem like a bitch, but that's just my resting face, masculine/feminine yada yada. You really just learn to live life your way, and no one else is going to live it but you, so stand alone and be firm in who you are. Being a little bit of everything however that may be, means that I've this weird opportunity to be able to look at things, or be reminded to look at how we all are, from these different sides, and accept them and try to find a common ground. We're all fucking people here, we all have shit we go through, no matter how veiled or how different the smell might even seem. We all love what/who we love, and dislike what we do. We all have needs, dreams, emotions, thoughts of our own, and we're all connected somehow, and what disappoints me so greatly, is when others decide to combat themselves instead of trying to understanding how we're the same first, minus all the differences through details, It tears me up from time to time when there's injustices because of that. How do I combat it? I try to be accepting towards everyone. Legit might sound so naive and all that, but I do my best to be kind first, bc most of the time, the hurt others are feeling aren't even about you as a person, it's just a reflection of the pain they're carrying, and no pity, but it makes me sad at how others might have to carry it alone, bc they feel they can't let it out to someone, bc of fear of being ridiculed. I've biases that I've recognized and am learning to recognize in myself still, I'm not perfect. But I'm building myself how I see fit, and if others want to shape me in one way or another because of a lack of understanding, well then they've already got the process wrong. I think for a lot of others too, tryna make sense of it all, at least for me, is all that we can do. So this post doesn't dry people of fucking boredom (I really am sorry skip the rant) that's another thing keeping me glued to my seat when it comes to this next album. Lana's perspective, and what she's writing about: her emotions, her experiences and how she dissects and relays them through sound and word. Is it disappointing that she's going to that particular church? For me, yes. Do we have any fucking right to box her in one way or another? No. Sad but true. If as an individual, myself at least, I've the liberty to be who I am, as I am, do I have the right to take that same liberty away from others? Sure it's a fucking mess, but it's so much wiser to let others be themselves. We can only guide them into hopefully being better versions of and for themselves and society as a whole, but it's up to them on whether or not they want to grow in that or any direction.
  4. For me, I like taking the moral lessons from it and try applying it practically as a kind of human decency check. To ur first question, I think the main thing might be pride. Like, to be so consumed in ur ego, that u forget everyone else, brings greed, and separation and all that shit. I found it real puzzling and interesting on how Lana sorta mimicked some of those themes in Paradise, bc imo, there's always gonna be ups and downs in life, and how u make ur life makes u, and that's what I attribute to the whole good vs evil thing, at least when it touches up on morality. There are people who aren't as strong as you, in mind, in heart, some people just wanna die sometimes, and if they find comfort in a higher power, let em. Do I support people who take it too far bc of impatience and lack of understanding before acting in imbalanced impulses? Nope. But if there's something to be taken out of anything, you owe it to yourself to be a better person to at least see things through and decide whether or not it fits to who you want to be in life
  5. Oh gooooood lemme tell ya something. Like I honestly dk her friend choice, and I'm not gonna go further into that bc to each their own, but coming from a Catholic to Christian family, singling myself out here and having been in different types of churches, Hillsong actually has a bit more patience and understanding when it comes to homosexuals, personal experience. Do they fucking scare me, these places? Fucking hell yes. But do I understand the renewal and inner strength they seem to foster when others need it? Apparently so.. It depends on how the person takes these things and makes the world a better, kinder place imo. I don't wanna shit on anyone else's religious beliefs, but I understand and KNOW the pain that comes from being pigeonholed into several categories, and like seeing both sides, and try to add the good into my personal life. Is it messy af? Hell yes. Can we learn from it? Hopefully we all can. Stream hope is a homo.mp3
  6. I'm gonna b hopeful for a sec and assume she's hanging out w them bc she misses her old days when she just had fun hanging w her old friends doing who knows what, referenced from TIWMUG, as if it's any of our business tho and if that's especially true, then at least we have another kinda facet on how she's trying to retain her basic humanity in tact.
  7. Time present and time past, are both per-yeah fuck it that's not happening
  8. I'd actually prefer the social research experiment theory and all the ethics codes violations bc it's what it feels like
  9. Don't disrespect the kween like that. Lana wishes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBWyKRoh98U
  10. Torn btwn fri and Sat, but gonna go with Sat, bc Friday seems too good to b true, and also I might suffer the numbness of all the iconic songs being sung together like that like imma start slow
  11. Roses Bloom For You coulda had potential for the last record, or leaked round that time then, it woulda been perfect, but this time around, it feels outdated to even have as a bonus track imo (judging from the snippet, it again, sounds like a drunken (yet still beautiful) saloon track), along w the Coalition country song, that could've been an old western country show intro, which is ok, but might be too tangy for this record 1. Mariners Apartment Complex 2. Norman Fucking Rockwell 3. Venice Bitch 4. Happiness is a Butterfly 5. In Your Car 6. Cinnamon 7. 8. Hope is a Dangerous Thing 9. 10. How To Disappear 11.
  12. Mm, true.. it might’ve been that then, it seems like Sam def had a vested interest or motive on how he told Jon.. and ohmygod don’t judge me but u know what I thought of? I thought of the battle between Voldemort n Harry when they were flying ‘round Hogwarts in the deathly hallows with a mix of that flying nun gif ahhh ahahahahahahaha
  13. My god this might b really stupid, but I really loved Esmerelda in the disney movie and always thought the cathedral/strcture was real beautiful. Hope u French peeps are doing ok, my heart breaks for u, not to b a sap, but my god it’s fucking devastating.. I hope they can salvage what they can (
  14. I think, for me, the episode moved too slow, and I mean I appreciate the dragon flying scene, but honestly really, it feels a bit misplaced. The flow of the episode was a bit off imo. Also,
  15. How fucking powerful are STAMENS tho, like damn she needs to get on that spring schtick gaha Can she fucking not tho Earth Wind & Fire might sue her ass just tsk
  16. Ok but if it makes u feel any better, I was hoping the record was gonna come around that time when winter turned to spring, and wanted to listen to it in the snow, while the skies were pink during sunset and I think imma have to wait til like next year for that lel
  17. S2g I'm getting there, like it matters anyway, but towards HiaB. I wouldn't be logging on if u guys weren't all so outrageously stan-funny lol, the inside jokes, the sass, the shared events of betrayals, THE MELTDOWNS ? LMAO
  18. Honestly yes, same like my god that snippet just- it gives me hope
  19. I fucking know, like ok I mean 20, for a decent cotton one, fine that could pass, but most prices are just so over the top, and some of the material on these things are either designed to look faded already, or have the washable print that doesn't make it all that much worth it
  20. I like this one better : Catch a wave n take in the sweetness, want this we need this -
  21. Same! I think someone posted a link from waaaaaaay back.. but it was like 60 bucks? Idk lol I'd expect that kinda it to sorta be at one of beach boutiques round venice but who really knows
  22. I- I just like to think if there are better ways to do something, we might as well try
  23. Like I get what she's trying to say as to how there's beauty in kindness through patience and the virtues along with it but we're all probably even MOREEEE G O R G E O U S by this time now
  24. Color wise, like the LFL cover, it could still be saved/tweaked, but yeah no def, just really didn't want to acknowledge that hahahahahaha
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