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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. Honestly hope ur right. The music really saves the video, but it feels more like something you'd have playing in the background for atmosphere than it being the atmosphere if that makes sense. Either way, I can appreciate the aesthetic that's behind it
  2. I'm hoping she continues with some beachy visuals, MTWBT, West Coast, Blue Jeans. Can't wait for Venice Bitch. I wonder how much Chuck's done for the "series". Surf rock's on it's way, what's hoping for another mini -film
  3. Idk I'm a sucker for nostalgia, so I actually don't mind listening to GTFO. It reminds me a little bit of Candy Bling, with yeah that tropical feel. It's funny, bc I remember what got me into listening to her music wasn't really the ballads or her singles (ikr) but it was the funnier tracks, from E=MC^2, like Last Kiss, Thanks For Nothing, More Than Just Friends, It's A Wrap, TMB and so on I like music with a bit of humor in it at times, and her ad libs always made me laugh a bit. So, I mean it's not really her best, but her high register, the backtrack, the random lines only she can pull off without making it sound misplaced to her persona make me feel nostalgic af bout things
  4. I get what ur saying, and that'd be so so great, but. I'd rather her do promo when the music's bout to arrive. Maybe like a month or six weeks from release. The beauty of MAC and VB is that she just randomly came out to tell us a week before, and here we are. No expectations, no disappointments Me overthinking things again tho, surf? guitars? RHCP? at least it was confirmed
  5. 385 pages to the pre-release thread. See ya (Venice) betches on the other side. This was great
  6. Here u go just bc of all the heavy Venice Binch traffic https://www.laparks.org/venice
  7. Same, and follow through shwoebvisosndosmdl EDIT: Calling all doulas, its a focking nursery in here
  8. YES to the beach, yes to Brian Wilson. Expectations are a (Venice) bitch tho so I'm staying quiet til we get more info, possibly from that upcoming interview.
  9. I guess it really depends, but seeing how she's working with someone new, we'd expect something more collected im hoping that's the case. I've been loving the aesthetic of the MAC insta snippet, and the titles tied to the sea and I want to be content with that knowing that it'd b great if she went surf with the record. The LfL album teaser vid seemed amazing, still is, but so many people were disappointed with how everything else went down bc, expectations. Here's hoping that the themes we've gotten so far are indicative of what we'll hear next year with the album
  10. Where the treats are. But no same. I'm excited for the next two songs forsure atm, but I dont want to have to think about what she'll b doing for the rest of the album.
  11. but at the beach, with ukeleles (?) and seamen from the complex EDIT: SOMEBODY GET THIS DOGGO HIS CERT FOR GRAPHIC DESIGN
  12. Was that a sex joke Airport Bitch. Flight Steward Bitch INTERNATIONAL Bitch
  13. One time, Lana called a basic ho from Venice a bitch, and then. She made a song out of it. We're still screaming
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