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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. Wth why does this deserve to be on a plaque
  2. I can't believe there are only 3 episodes lefffft ah
  3. Simply bc they were in the vein of pop music. It seems like an allergy to some folks here, and honestly it's fine their opinion cool. Their demographics are basically somewhat different, Taylor Swift, an embodiment of pop, and Lorde, some kind of youngish pop version of Fiona Apple towards a younger generation. I know that Lana fans seem to sort of stray from that, and although Lana herself makes a kind of pop music, it's still easily considered as alternative or indie, from her peers, where it's less about dancing and more towards swaying if that makes sense. From what we've heard from the two tracks, MAC's been totally Lana, but you can almost hear some minor hipster plays in VB, which I personally don't mind, but others can clearly tell how even though Lana's mark is still the song's core, the touches were different. And of course that's bc they joined. It's nice to hear Lana make music with more of a mainstream feel to it def, but we can't just expect others to just accept something different, when they don't really know what to expect on her part exactly, bc of what's current now as comparison, and if that meant, sort of letting go of the perceptions that were met or might've been met with their expectations from what they've heard before.
  4. I think it's understandable to worry about something that people aren't used to. I mean from Antonoff's catalog, pop artists like T Swift and Melodrama, and how people on here don't necessarily like them, someone and mainstream as Antonoff definitely changes the classic Lana imagery and sound. It's good that she's still got her core sound with her, with him working with her not the other way around, so yeah there's that. Her pop demos like Hit and Run, Go Go Dancer, She's Not Me, among the others were amazingggg, but it'd almost seem outdated to have music like it recycled if that made any sense.
  5. I loved tonight's episode, not a single dull moment. I loved how strangely human Madison was this episode, I wonder if she still has that almost Supreme status tho
  6. Violet better be tying her shoes, she's got some grass that needs to be bent backwards over on Also, fun fact, did you know that the smell of grass is actually a distress signal when it's cut? Some kind of fresh smelling pain
  7. Back on topic tho, I loved the David LaChapelle photoshoot Idk somehow, this. I can personally say that Venice Bitch sorta cured me from wanting Life is Beautiful. Like how --
  8. Im kinda hoping for something less dreamy when it comes to her album cover. I mean unless it's hBTB cover, I wouldn't really want to see something like a romance novel cover at the grocery store, two cents. I want to see the cover be more realitis, reality-oriented, so we can try find the magic in that moment, without filters. I love Lfl for some of its music, but the album cover sort of just chiseled the imagery and comfort away from me. I'm glad she was smiling, but something bout it felt a bit flat.
  9. Look man, personally I'm not sure. I wasn't as invested in her music a few years ago compared to now. I know that for me, I wouldn't judge (as hard if anything) just coming from a snippet, bc it'd be a highly saturated sound of notes, from the entire thing. So I get what ur saying. But I mean, we've all got our theories and reasoning. If they wanna associate with the imagery and themes of UV, then let em. I'd personally just wait for the song dude. It's not on you, so let's just wait til the track comes out
  10. Old Money's kinda like that guy that you want to fall in love with, beautiful, but still can't get over the guy he's been longing for so all you want is that he finds what he's looking for. Untouchable. I wouldn't want her to write anything else like it.
  11. UV > Paradise > Honeymoon > BtD > Lfl Love them all for what they are tho
  12. I get what ur saying. I was listening to Troye's Bloom, for a good while now, but Idk for me I liked how short it was, no shade. I think that for her to release a shorter album means that shes more confident of the tracks she'll be releasing together, and less chances for fillers too. Was 11 tracks confirmed, tho?
  13. Honestly for me, it kinda lost momentum. Like don't get me wrong I think it's beautiful, and the drama behind it too, but I have a feeling that it won't be holding that much gravity, if that makes sense.It'll be more of a fun song. Thinking about that, the interview she first had when she first released MAC, the title of the album, and how she mentioned dating artists that seemed too heady of themselves but did have sparks current of genius at times. Jack Antonoff. I guess what I'm getting at is I get how Cinnamon sort of deviates from the majesty of MAC, and the longing of VB. Cinammon's gonna be a fun track, so there's that but I wonder how everything else'll fit in
  14. HM was and always will b the most "Lana" album. So cohesive and dreamy Same reason why I think people dislike Lfl is the lack of cohesion, still has its gems tho. Venice Bitch and mac are godly so we can only hope that the rest of the record goes to what she came up with originally. Beautiful People, and the other outtakes are almost haunting to listen to knowing they never made the cut
  15. Oh god no it was him, i was talking about the song. Out. Ill find the vid later
  16. I forgot his name, but her dj was playing some songs as an opener, and I recognized one of them, had someone like Rina's vocals on the,. It felt a bit disco, and had lyrics about something euphoric. I'll check my phone and try uploading the vid later I liked itt a looott
  17. Venice bitch totally eclipsed mac, idk how long its been since its release, but ive been listening to it nonstop now. Cold day at the beach today, and it sorta felt a bit more serious than it lends itself to be? I wouldn't mind more vibes like these just .
  18. How To Disappear did just that (and got archived), does anyone have the snippet recorded? Ngl, I like HiaB, but I'm guessing it's more of a next year song. Cinnamon referencing the rainboww tho
  19. I'm wondering more about the present timeline of the show atm. Yeah not all her witches were there, which was worrying, maybe they might've gotten stuck again somewhere, or protecting something else. I know we've all got an idea that Lourd's character's gonna be the next, next supreme or something. But all we know at the present, is that the female characters were brought back to life, and that Langdon's just blocking the entrance of the site. I wonder how much of everything can be reversed.. and what happens after the showdown.
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