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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. Oh fuck. I mean the last time Lana made an EP we were all blown away w Paradise. A VENICE BITCH TROPICO? ?
  2. I was reluctant, but I think I get what you're trying to vibe thru. I'm kinda iffy on the whole slideshow comic concept but yeah this was well edited. I can appreciate the other-worldliness of it so there's that.
  3. WTF wut World at War's amazing. The sass in the beats and guitars, how the verses almost sway and twist its hips at u. I remember a lot of people were so f excited by the snippet. The intimate warbled vocals before how clear and transcendent the chorus goes. It reminds me of some kind of romantic Latin movie Have u ever heard the song underwater? Fucking amazinggg and that brief bridge
  4. Idk what this exactly constitutes, but I think itd b amazing if Lana made more groovy music. I love the vibes MACs been giving off. Odds of her writing another song kinda like I Got U Babe by Sonny n Cher?
  5. I know this is perfectly feasible, and I mean she's already done it before, so I hope she comes out with more picture vinyls for singles. I'm hoping for one in pink.
  6. Didn't we already get the other version of Summer Bummer? I think if I was going to linger anything else about Lfl post era would be the Beautiful People demo. The lyrics alone just - and Idk if this'll aggravate anyone, but I personally love Get Free and Change. I mean shat on them at one point or another, but Change was beautifully delicate in one way or another, and the lyricism behind Get Free's phenomenal. AND i'm a sucker for the beach, so the aftersounds in the track, and the loose beat and slowness of it reminded me of that moment when the sun's bout to get eaten up by the sea, and the waters glisten all golden. Like the last solar flare for the eyes of the day. Wet and warm til ur not. Anyway, I'm glad MAC exists sorta thru this vein of her music.
  7. Honestly hope ur right. The music really saves the video, but it feels more like something you'd have playing in the background for atmosphere than it being the atmosphere if that makes sense. Either way, I can appreciate the aesthetic that's behind it
  8. I'm hoping she continues with some beachy visuals, MTWBT, West Coast, Blue Jeans. Can't wait for Venice Bitch. I wonder how much Chuck's done for the "series". Surf rock's on it's way, what's hoping for another mini -film
  9. Idk I'm a sucker for nostalgia, so I actually don't mind listening to GTFO. It reminds me a little bit of Candy Bling, with yeah that tropical feel. It's funny, bc I remember what got me into listening to her music wasn't really the ballads or her singles (ikr) but it was the funnier tracks, from E=MC^2, like Last Kiss, Thanks For Nothing, More Than Just Friends, It's A Wrap, TMB and so on I like music with a bit of humor in it at times, and her ad libs always made me laugh a bit. So, I mean it's not really her best, but her high register, the backtrack, the random lines only she can pull off without making it sound misplaced to her persona make me feel nostalgic af bout things
  10. I get what ur saying, and that'd be so so great, but. I'd rather her do promo when the music's bout to arrive. Maybe like a month or six weeks from release. The beauty of MAC and VB is that she just randomly came out to tell us a week before, and here we are. No expectations, no disappointments Me overthinking things again tho, surf? guitars? RHCP? at least it was confirmed
  11. 385 pages to the pre-release thread. See ya (Venice) betches on the other side. This was great
  12. Here u go just bc of all the heavy Venice Binch traffic https://www.laparks.org/venice
  13. Same, and follow through shwoebvisosndosmdl EDIT: Calling all doulas, its a focking nursery in here
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