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Make me your Dream Life

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Posts posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. Is this the right section to make a post like this? Never done it before. Ok so

    Idk for me it's been the first real year that I've listened to music only from Spotify and was looking forward to listing the main tracks that I've been listening to all year. Maybe we can make this post blossom every year? Idk ur guys' call. 

    Feel free to post images or w/e u wanna (top artist, songs genre, ur playlist)

    Here's mine LOL


    Highly saturated pop. Lana made the list.

    Honorary Lana top 100 songs list mentions:
    Venice Bitch  :smokes4: 
    Ride  :scream: 
    Love  :dafuq: 
    Cherry  :candy: 
    Summer Bummer  :die: 
    White Mustang  :wave: 

    Laugh or whatever, take it seriously or don't. Just something fun to do 

    and just cus it was apparently my top song 

    I probably have pop music diabetes or something from all the laughing I've done listening to em 

    Here's the link to find ur end of the year info:

    Ok, go! 

  2. I feel like Stupid for Being So Happy was like a smack in the face to those who felt that the LfL album cover was a joke. They're cute interludes, but I hope they never even find the musical vicinity of what NfR is/going to be. 

    I - it felt so foreign, I mean I saw the ranch fences, and someone's grandmother setting out the pies to cool on their windowsill, the white wood porch, and someone sewing those intricate things with embroidery hoops, that said something like. hey it's the Mr. Ed show or something when I heard those songs. And I - 
    it's like an old western show episode was gonna follow after she sung it

    Does Norman know these songs? Somebody pls give a resounding nooooo  :xcry:

  3. did you find it?

    Here u go. Caution, was a pretty new fan when I went to her show, checked her genius page for anything that I thought sounded like the lyrics, so at least I know it wasn't there. Didn't hear it at the actual show tho when she came. So yeah 


    Lyrics were something like, every second, every minute that we're together, with a rapper (?) mumbling the word euphoria in it. Audio's not as clear thru the vid, but yes. Also, idk why I mentioned disco, it's a bit more hip-hoppish, 90s in sound. There u go



  4. it seems like such a hard song for her to get right live, idk why :/

    I think from my ears, the song has notes that are easy to go flat, like the transitions from the chorus, the post chorus. And I think it's like a pretty awkward key that it's sung in, I wanna say, in like B? Idk but it's easy to sing the song itself flat, bc of the subtle transitions in it imo


    The message would be beautiful tho, especially for this particular event

  5. Who else would love it the latest pic she’s shared with the McDonald’s sign and Mobil sign would be a great album artwork? if it was painted in the style of Norman Rockwell that’d be even better. But I think it would be a cool one. It would go with the VB artwork in a weird way. I’m dying not knowing anything about this damn thing yet she shared something 2.5m close to 3months ago and yet she says she shares things when she feels finished on something and her not saying anything is making me think she’s changing or remixing something again or adding more tracks to it

    There are many things I'm willing to entertain, but the free Mickey d's promo is just a no go for me. Even if they sponsored all her music and videos for the era. 

  6. Ok so alll the way back to her BtD days, she's really come so far. I mean WOW. and to top things off, she went full circle when LfL came around, and acknowledged the Hero's Journey cycle pic, and is coming back to us w a new album, where I'm pretty sure things'll be from a fresher perspective, possibly even past the themes we've always heard her sing so much about. The tones of MAC and VB are a lot more openly, healthily playful and strong. 
    It's really amazing, thinking of all that growth she's been able to transfer and live out and through w each record. 

    Kinda inspires u after all the uncertainty and wanting more from life from Lfl, knowing that she's in a better place now, and sharing that with us to either empathize or learn from. Life skills and therapy w prof Lana del rey  :dmd:

  7. Honestly for me, since Video Games, I don't really think I'd be able to stop caring. She's shared with us such beautiful perspectives, and I guess for me, I like sensing the pain of others when it comes to artists in particular, and I'm just glad that she's so clever about sharing hers with us. 

    Music wise, as long as the lyrical content and quality of sound is there, I'll always look her up. Annnnd seeing how even some of her demos are just jewels, I don't think I'd not be able to care tbh

    I'd be kinda sad tho to hear a song of hers not have any feeling of soulfulness tho, not the genre, but just the Lana spiritedness she always seems to deliver. 

    We'll always have Video Games and Venice Bitch thoo

  8. the most likely date would be at the Jack Antonoff concert/talent show on December 5, 2018...

    but then again she may not want to take the spotlight from such a profound night where money is raised for LGBT youth (also it could further propel the event in the media, so maybe she would reveal something like release date) 

    I can see what u mean. Then again, it'd be great to sorta use her platform/voice if she ever does, and I personally wouldn't think the crowd would even mind but I get it.. might not even be on her radar, but it'd be sweet if she did. 


    At this point, I feel we'd more likely get a few Christmas covers via insta, i dk anymore lol 

  9. Life is beautiful would be SO forgotten by now if it had come out in 2015 lmao

    Honestly, I can still collectively feel that it still is, that and that it's kinda a running joke, which is like a slap in the face to those who haven't truly moved on, but imagine if it just happened to leak or something. Still wouldn't want it on NFR tho.. 


    Idk, Venice b kinda helped me move past it if anything. 


    If it were about that one original scenario/story where the guy just wants his friend back, I'd be truly heartbroken, bc, honestly friendship. (gay or straight  :hooker: )

  10. Title. News dry u know the rundown. 

    Which moments on Lana's tracks are the most beautiful, or meaningful to you? 

    I'll probably contribute more later on but, for me, thinking at the top of my head:

    "... like diamonds -" from Young and Beautiful 

    The opening keys on "American" 

    The climax of the Shades of Cool guitar solo, the climax of synths in West Coast 

    How she mumbles "ohmygod, dizzy from loving ya, ohmygod dizzy from loving ya" in World at War 

    "there are guns that blaze around you, ... fire that surrounds you" how she sings those words in Honeymoon

    Blue Jeans chorus, how beautifully delicate yet sure it sounds

    Her use of her head register in Cola, that bridge where she's crooning

    The list goes on and on. 


    What hits hard, and what gets you cold goosebumps? 


    What are some of your favorite song moments? 

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