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Make me your Dream Life

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Posts posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. of all the ballads she previewed thus far, HTD is ma favorite. The piano melody is so pure, her voice is so beautiful and the lyrics are just too incredible

    Idk how, but it makes me think of the industrial revolution, or something about someone coming back home from a hard days work. There's a kind of sad peacefulness to it, and how she ends it with "no one's going anywhere, I'll always be right here, no one's going anywhere" What a beautiful, comforting sentiment like shit, whoever she's singing about must unknowingly have it so good

  2. From the woman who wrote Bel Air, I don't think she's gonna have any trouble about whether or not the material's there. I'm thinking it's gonna be more about the tone she takes, and how much intent reflects from the effort she uses.

    Still, I'm hoping it's just a status, but the hyphens do get me worried. Bc I mean it's a bit predictable, and in the sound of ur thoughts, I can't help but think it being said slowly than quick. I actually liked Coachella, and the meaning behind it, the outro was heavenly, so I wouldn't mind another one, more in the sound of surf, but. Well plainly put. I hope those weren't lyrics just now.

    At least we know she's playing with rhythm atm 

  3. If we're going by the 11 tracks that aren't even confirmed:



    2. Happiness is a Butterfly


    4. Venice Bitch

    5. Mariner's Apartment Complex

    6. Cinnamon

    7. Sylvia (Plath)



    10. How To Disappear




    Leaving room for everything else. Not to join in on the Yosemite bandwagon, bc let's all think for ourselves, but I'd really hope that Yosemite can make an appearance in all of this. It seems to be fitting the happier atmosphere that we've heard so far, less HtD, and it fits that north CA beach vibe. Holding out hope but it's real thin

    Quoting this bc my stand on the track order still stands 

  4. i feel like venice bitch only really makes sense as the opening track or the closing track. Or potentially the midway transition track, if she wants to stack the first half of the record for more slow ballads and the second half as freer/more psychedelic. but who knows with lana. 

    I get what you're trying to say, but I honestly dt she'd close the record with it. Not just because she usually does covers at the end, but it feels more like a track 4 5 6 or 2 kinda track. Might even be the usual sentimental ballad she has for number 3.. I wanna know if she's gonna open the record with Mariners Apartment Complex, or if we'll get a new track instead

  5. I know we've got so many different ways of listening to music nowadays, but I guess I just love the aesthetic and looking at the covers of the vinyls that I've gotten. Started collecting a couple of years ago. Got a lot of pop bc of my faves, some alt rock too. I still have some of the records my parents used to play and it's just great to kinda have. Long live jazz, soft rock and discooooooo 

    To tie things back to Lana if anything, have all the vinyls from her official discography, except AKA and the LFL vinyls. I just didn't like the coke bottle aesthetic and idk if I'll change my mind on that anytime soon. The black vinyl, probably (Is it weird that I think of Cherry pie when I look at the cover and know the vinyl's black, random thought)..

    I've currently got three vinyls on my want list, The Radio Dept.'s David vinyl, only sold in Japan. Lady Gaga's Joanne, pink vinyl (missed out gaaahhhh) and Mariah Carey's Memoirs Box set vinyl (was close to getting one for 60 bucks, but I just had to ask if everything with it, and the seller shot the price to like 300 whyyyyyyy)

  6. So here's a potential bombshell. Are Crimson Clovers, the flower, a kind of lesbian symbol for the woman's part down there? It was covered by Joan Jett and apparently its some kind of lesbian awakening song. Violets are mentioned when it comes to her poetry, and those are associated with lesbianism too, how they're given from one girl to another to express interest/love or something like that.


    Are these hints?


  7. Watched this and loved it. ESPECIALLY the part about Mallory being angel-descended and her power (being of a different kind to witchcraft) would be time travel/alteration. It just makes so much sense cause the way she just 'did' her magic seemed on a different plane to the coven witches, and then of course if there was a big showdown between Michael and Mallory. 

    Aghhh sameeee, it fleshes a lot of the details out, and it would've made for such a more fulfilling ending. The showdown we were waiting for didn't really happen as much as maybe a few minutes, and the well, looking back, things weren't as menacing as I'd hoped. 


    Maybe Murphy's gonna go more towards the alien route next season, we know Asylum at least touched up on this, and the whole special dna thing hasn't really been wrapped up yet, or hopefully from what we've seen. 

  8. When it comes to the cream and sea green, are u guys referring to the MAC and VB covers? Bc although I think it'd b beautiful, I think she definitely missed the opportunity when it came w Lfl. And I guess it might b a peeve, but thinking of the tracks we're about to get, like Cinnamon, HIAB and HtD, I'd actually think more of a cooking show, herbs like rosemary, sage and thyme, if the vinyl was a forest dark green. 

    Jack's productions might not even easily convey the color of dark green, since it'd remind me of pines, and less about surf, whereas a more colorful color would remind the playfulness of the sport and the tracks we've been getting. Especially w Venice B, Cinnamon and HIAB. 2 cents 


  9. I think my fave albums of hers has to be Memoirs, Butterfly, and ofc Emancipation of Mimi.
    E=MC^2 is one of the cutest, Charmbracelet has some forgotten gems on it, the Elusive Chanteuse was such a beautiful and mature record. 

    I pretty much think that Caution's somewhat in the same vein of E=MC^2, with how cute it can be, but it's also a bit more mature, and the simple throwback feels, remind me a little bit of Rainbow too. 

    With You wasn't really on my radar til I kept playing it, and the feel reminds me so much of Memoirs, so, a new fave track. 

    She didn't lie when she mentioned how lighthearted the album was gonna be, and I'm happy for her, for being at that place, but I wish we got a few more tracks. I know Runway was a Jap exclusive, but I wish he all got the track, with just one more track too. I miss the fire in her vocals, and atm Stay Long Love You and With You are the only ones that remind me of her octave jumps towards the end of the songs. 

    We got a video for GTFO, that seems more of an interlude video imo, a video for With You, which was beautifully made, visuals were so smooth. I wonder what'll be next for Caution. They've been promoting The Distance, which is pretty catchy, but then what else? 

    Idk, hopefully I'm not asking for too much, but something seems to be missing from the comeback she's been building thru since last New year's eve, imo. Love the music, and here for it, but yeah, 2 cents. 

    Oh, side note, the AMA performance of With You was just beautiful. 

  10. Honestly, idk why I get so riled up when I get sick, but I get super angry at myself and get super ambitious, peeps tell me I'm funny to watch, but I listen to 
    Money Power Glory. 

    Song you love to get drunk to? 

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