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Make me your Dream Life

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Posts posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. I love listening to I Don’t Wanna Go late at night while I’m walking home and the streets are super quiet. Though I suppose any Lana song would sound good late at night lol.

    I like listening to Because of You visiting an old neighborhood of mine, going to the music store and just walking around places I grew up around. 


    Lana song that you like to swim to? 

  2. Didn't Lana say that Jack was bringing joy in the studio when she was feeling low, or something like that? Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if the album has a sad vibe again. Unfortunately, happiness is sadness too. Idk if someone gets what I mean.

    U gotta know both to differentiate them so I kinda get it? Maybe u meant something else. 


    I do want a happier, more lighthearted record overall tho. But that doesn't mean that it can't be fragile or honoring what sadness was/is like. 

  3. Title. As it goes. While things are super dry. :dmd:
    Post an activity or place w a track you like listening to a specific Lana song to. Wanna get creative? Dedicate a song to a person you know, that reminds you of them, that's fine. 
    Feel free to be as lush in description or quick and brief to your liking. Someone will answer then post another activity etc. to then b answered.
    First place/situation etc. : Driving by the beach. 
    Ok, go! 

    Also made a broader thread where you can recommend songs from any artist here in the Convo area:

  4. I think that even if NFR was overly emotional, it'd still feel crisp and healthy. At least what we've found from MAC and VB. Cinnamon's deffo playful. Sylvia sounds precautionary, HtD what yes so fragile as well as. strangely enough, HIAB. 

    Everything seems to be shaping up to be hugely sentimental, but Lana's got a way of portraying all that thru the softest, most subtle means that I really don't mind about. I'm hoping we get to know more about the underlying themes of the record, match em w the sound and visuals. 

    That's why I'm hoping we get more info about the record, in terms of the album cover, what she's doing on social media etc. Happy to know that she looked a bit more dolled up from the last insta update at the LA cafe, that might be a good sign. 

    Hoping we get a feminine and also strong record, idk why but I keep thinking about Nancy Sinatra on this one, and how she might go w that kind of feel. Jack, w the new production and her lyrics being more playful than ever 

    Also, p.s. wtf page 306 was incredibly stale I had to mentally diffuse it away

  5. Can't relate. I mean I love Lfl (link to post-release here btw: http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/9222-lust-for-life-post-release-thread/ ), but I'm not gonna rose-color it and say that it was my favorite. Gems yes, but the lack of cohesiveness and other things make it far from it. I like the meaning behind the record, but I'm not gonna dub it the Holy Grail bc we all know in any season, HM and UV still and will always exist. 

    I mean I kinda wanna laugh at how possibly things'll will end up when NfR comes out, but based from MAC and VB, things to be looking up. Clinging to what's familiar is normal, but I just personally had more difficulty attaching images to Lfl than her past work. 

    HM was always flawless tho.

  6. Headphones always, I hate listening to music on speakers... I just do that when I'm in the shower  :legend:

    I get that, it kinda enriches the whole inner world play on the music. I kinda like doing the same by just having the music play in the background, bonus points if it's got a kind of natural echo. Idk there's just something freeing about going wild w the music all loud, and u think the world's yours for an hour u know? 

  7. I guess going back to the whole speaker/headphones thing. I've kinda been wondering. I mean HM is perfect by-the-pool music, Paradise during sunset. UV by the beach, Lfl around desolate areas, or tourist-packed ones. and don't get me wrong, bc I mean Venice is great for yeah, venice beach, but I've been really wondering about what kind of world she'll sort of catapult us into when the record comes. 

    The piano ballads are great, and Jack's production so far's been nice to listen to from/w/ MAC and VB,but I'm kinda wondering if we'll get another beachy feel album, but just for the Winter instead. I mean granted, it's always flippin hot in CA, but idk when it's Winter there's still that coldness in the air, the gloom, and how the light shines from broken clouds all that. God I think I just hyped myself for an album months away

    Idk I'm kinda hoping for vibes like these: or something like Keane

  8. Only one I can think of is Off to the Races.

    (Fumes, some old man lol, don't hate me if he's meant to be iconic,and don't hate me bc idk where the fuck that place is)

    Nope sorry :( I mean hm ok a hint. The place is acutally a dead giveaway, the man's Sinatra, on a blue background, and the lady's getting a tan

  9. Which do you think is the best way to listen the album for the first time ?

    HQ headphones or loud speakers?

    With LFL,I picked headphones but since its the first listen and you get it the vibe of the album more than relating to it or paying attention to the lyrics,I think speakers will do for me with NFR..

    What do u think?

    I have this tradition of listening to Lana's albums by just driving out to nowhere, listening to the tracks real loud late at night. So, speakers. Best! 

  10. Welcome to the "State your favorite song from each album"-thread ♥

    OH. ok ty 


    Video Games 


    Cruel World



    Venice Bitch


    Honorable mentions to: Blue Jeans, Dark Paradise Diet Mtn Dew, Cola, all of Paradise, WEST COAST, SoC's bridge, MPG,  Old Money, HM, TLY, The Blackest Day. Love 


    That was difficult  :bye2: 





    But heyo new topic maybe, let's talk merch or something else. Or. Hm ok how many music videos do you expect? What's up with Chuck filming a series, how long etc. Is HIAB gonna get a video, with tour footage? 











    R we just gonna rate the NFR snippets after all this blows thru?


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