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Make me your Dream Life

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Posts posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. Title. While we're waiting on the numerous soons enveloped in the hazy valley of decisions unmade and not manifested like internet tabs all forgotten and set aside. 

    What are some things you absolutely KNOW that Lana won't do? 

    Like an example would be, she wouldn't wear a rainbow leopard Lisa Franks wig, or collaborate with certain artists. 

    What are some things that you just know wouldn't fit, at least with her music or herself right now? 

  2. all that's certain is the lifelong death spiral of the guitars and cymbals and archaic space-age blip blip bleeps within VEnice's bitch that last for 10 minutes long enough for the perfect time to not only create and make a nice cold coffee but also slam chug that bitch hard back onto the counter with the whip smeared across ur face like the dumb bitch monster of october u really are thinking we're all fake deep but it's a lana del rey song from an noncertain album within a noncertain atmosphere n the only certain thing is u just consumed..,, all, them calories.

    w/ hazelnut creamer  :thumb2: / 



    I really do hope she follows thru with the surf n RHCP vibes tho. Mariners Apartment Complex is too beautiful to not have anything else with it. Kinda like her cover for Some Things Last A Long Time 

  3. I miss the kind of sensuality, and how different WC sounded. That being said, for me, it'd be difficult to kind of make a copy of it, but I'd really like to hear something connected to it somehow. How she delivers the lyrics my god. 

    I think for the most part, another thing that I like about MAC that somehow ties to WC is how silently assured she is when she's singing. There's something inherently, almost masculine about how she sings about being cool with her lover swinging, how she's alright with how things seem unsettled. It's like ok this is what's happened, where we are now, alright cool I can deal. Same thing for MAC

    Also, pretty controversial, but I'm not really all too for the alleged photo we got from the interview. Idk for me, I dislike how flat it looks, and how she contrasts so easily from her surroundings, with the dark clothing combined with the almost aggressively indifferent pose. Two cents

  4. you're completely right, how could i disregard btd as winter. i think because i got into her around paradise so it's been predominantly summer with me, but btd was january so you got me there. it also makes it hard for me to hear it in a winter world, if that makes sense? i think she just reminds me of dreamscapes and sunshine a lot to where it's associated most cosely to summer, you know? i'd even take spring like the flowers blooming and such as the chill of the air warms up a little more, ice melts, etc.

    Honestly no its fine. I mean it's always hot in CA and I hate how it gets that way so no I empathize. I remember listening to TIWMUG all lost with the sun beaming down . And no I get it, it's all different for everyone most times, and for me, I just get the sense of movement in the city when I think of BtD. The overproduction, the speed of the lyrics, how her voice sort of drowns u in her world of trouble, and I guess that being so hectic, again reminds me of the city, but anyway no yeah her narrative lately's been about summer so I get ur drift.. 


    I tried associating LfL with the spring, it didn't really catch on all that well with me. Again, the whole winter-summer paradox of feeling. Maybe the next one might be the best for it tho. I mean the release date sure, but narratively, MAC and VB are already hazing the atmosphere with its post summer vibes, if its even associated with NFR. 


    I'd like to relate to this one especially, bc of the industrial setting, that feeling when you're driving in CA when its just a bit brisk and that's how u know it's still winter even if the sun still peaks through the gloom


    I personally love the transition from Winter to Spring, not just symbolically, but just the life that comes with it, a kind of freshness and calm after the excitement you're still feeling still round Feb from the holidays. Could be literal defrosting and flower fields. I think that'd fit the surf vibes well, maybe she could make it a bit more floral groovy too in aesthetic to then carry that transition thru





    "I want the album to be out late August cause Lana is a summer-artist"


    This fandom :toofunny:

    I agree wit u. She should just do (release) both one same year so we could better decide hm  :oic:

  5. maybe she finally had some good sex without crying but we wont know until the album drops so i'm good with that symbolism even if she plays us on it


    i can't see the winter thing just because lana is so summer or a sense of warmth but it'd be interesting to see her do it her way, i like them all popping at once maybe in like a succession? oh and cant forget the 8mm footage chuck will combust

    LMAO I'm pretty sure ur not the only one w/ that opinion on here. and I get what u mean, I think for me tho, strangely enough BtD felt better as a winter album, or something that'd carry u thru winter. Her cover of the Chelsea Motel No. 2 was amazing too. I love solemn Lana.


    Maybe they can be in the air, to make the space a bit more beautiful, like fireworks. SEX IN THE AIR 

  6. I agree, in the sense that the Ultraviolence trailer was just footage from the West Coast and Shades Of Cool music videos - and Honeymoon was behind the scenes of the album shoot. However the Lust For Life trailer didn't match the aesthetic of the record, I really wish she's fulfilled the space and witch themes more in the lyrics and artwork.

    Me too. I mean I love the pseudo vintage, Carpenters feel, but what I loved about the trailer was how intentional it was, all quirky and with a seemingingly fixed purpose. It was incredibly charming and polished. 

  7. I bet she releases a *real* lead single in March and releases the album in like early May. Lana given time can change her mind and might think of new songs or ideas that I bet will push the album back.

    Nooooooo she should just go with her original ideas and her gut. Also.. music in the winter.

    okay here's the layout of the NRF trailer vid:


    picture this:


    lana in a super picturesque, almost fantasy-fake treehouse in a large tree. she's a little too big for the treehouse made for a child, but she's able to sit on the edge of it with on knee up and the other foot swinging below. we see her looking up a little into the sky as she takes a drag of a cigarette... then... she begins some voice over nonsense like "i've been visiting the old place in my mind, going back to what i thought i knew then and seeing it now for the first time" begins happening on top of the sound of the breeze and some birds or some nature shit. 


    then the tree the house is in starts growing or something and she's moving with it or as if it doesn't effect her, the branches twisting around her and the leaves blossoming as flowers start blooming even though they probably wouldn't grow on the tree she's in (but it's lana's fantasy so they made it happen). she goes on to site some poetry over the visuals of all this growth which can like symbolize her state of mind or general state of being that she sounds like she might be reflecting on in this album and just a more mature being i guess? but then something weird has to happen like when she picks a flower it combusts but into a pretty flame and it means something "deep" i don't know. and the vid won't be longer than a couple mins but it'll end with lana finally acknowledging the camera straight on as it moves away from her and the outside world of the treehouse is like destroyed or something as a comment on life i don't know.


    this is what's happening y'all she's overcoming her fear of trees by being one

    I love this. But. the flower combusting is deffo symbolic of an orgasm. Tree huggers to the nth degree They burst all at once and then it gets real cold. The album pops out in the winter, and she smirks and smizes to the camera. Lights fade

  8. gold is my absolute favorite color and i will always love that lyric. its deep (not fakedeep)

    Idk if I have any favorite colors, they're always changing every situation, like just how color delivers a message I guess. Lavender and red are beautiful imo. I also like how she covers Kasabian's Goodbye Kiss, "when you have everything, it can't be true"


    Like it's cheesy but it reminds me of Britney's "Lucky" and gets you thinking more towards a cherishing kind of outlook on life

  9. FOUND IT @@evalionisameme is the real MVP





    "When I was young, I had a tree house and in order to get to the top of it, me and my sister had to climb up a satin Christmas ribbon. One day, on my way up the ribbon snapped and I fell 15 feet on to a fire pit. I broke my ribs and never told anyone except my mother. Last year I stopped into a Unitarian church and and a man came up to me out of the blue and told me he was a clairvoyant and that the reason why I had a shallow, breathy voice was because I had fallen out of a tree house 15 years ago. I still can’t get over how strange it is that he knew that.” 

    WTF i think I remember that and some of us were calling bs I shouldn't be laughing  :defeated:  !! !

  10. I just hope for a UV-esque booklet in terms of images and lyric snippets. Hopefully Neil or a new artist do the majority of the work.


    I’m down for 90s indie rock, simple visuals like the supposed cover. Soft browns, lots of blue. Pictures of desert highways and LA industrial sites.

    I personally love that aesthetic and can get behind it. Idk for me, I didn't really like the supposed cover, something just seemed to negatively clash, maybe the shade, how flat it sort of looks bc of the angle, but I get what ur saying. Excited if that were to happen further. I like Neil and his work, but I'm hoping we get more realistic based-looking photos, less filters and more natural-occurring tones. 


    A six song Christmas songs/videos ep

    one with Chuck

    one with Elton John (who is now on Sir Lucien's label for life worldwide so it could happen)

    one with Willie Nelson & Connie Smith

    one with multi-artists including rappers

    one with President Barack & Michelle Obama and Lin-Manuel Miranda

    and perhaps an official w/family permission of Lana & Bing Crosby of "I'll be home for Christmas"


    wouldn't it be cool if there was a trio of Elizabeth, Lana and Chuck?

    This is actually really thoughtful, this is great! I'd buy it 


    I want a booklet explicating the process of recording, pictures and lyrics, a dvd w a documentary à la Five Foot Two, a lot of picture disks, a cassette boxset, a sticker pack, pins, etc... I'm a design student so of course it's dead important to me so as long as it's a well thought of, high quality designed product with emphasis on well thought of, I'll be happy. I love the UV boxset, I just think there are some things missing from it. Colour LPs are always nice as well, no matter how bad or ugly the design is


    But I 1000000% believe the colour of the era is green. I really don't believe that if there are some colour LPs they will be any other colour than green.


    Here's a few boxsets designs I love and would want to be explored













    The issue with these examples is the difficulty of mass producing them I think? 


    Also say what you want about Miss Frangipane but the Hopeless Fountain Kingdom boxset was IMPECCABLE. 










    And I always go back to Father John Misty for boxsets








    I -- 


    I agree about the green! I would love for the album art or color vinyl to be a serene forest green or seafoam green. 


    If the poetry book is a companion piece to the album (like exploring the same themes) it would be cool for the boxset to include it. Photos with lyrics like in the UV boxset, or maybe even postcards, but not pictures like we got with LFL and HM. And some kind of extra charm, maybe a pin or patch

    YES !! ! And I was thinking about the poetry book too, postcards are cute, and a great idea actually. .. that'd be real cute! I feel like for me, I'd want to keep the music and poetry book separate to sort of respect them both if that makes sense, but I mean that'd be a buy right? 

  11. At this point, I'd be happy with anything that has more effort put into it than the Honeymoon/Lust For Life boxsets. I love your ideas, though. Magenta + burnt orange seem to fit really well. And obviously, picture discs (ideally for all the singles) would be a dream come true. 

    Sad but tru.. and thanks yeah. Idk I hope we get something that we won't pleasantly expect, a change of color's good too imo 

    I want it to come with singles like the paradise box-set did, and I wouldn't mind coke-bottle or light blue vinyl. It would be pretty dope to have an actual somewhat large poster too

    This. Idk for me tho, I didn't really like the coke-bottle idea when it meshed with the album cover. Maybe I just didn't understand the aesthetic w/ it with the LFL cover. Light blue's great tho 


    I got exctied when Lfl came out, and I went by a target and got that version, wished I had an album booklet instead, but the poster's nice so I get that. Some of her tour posters are just amazingg

  12. I love the togetherness of Shallow, and the intensity of the before the chorus/outro. I do think she could've gone higher post second chorus, but I do know for the movie it was supposed to be that for her character was singing live for that many people, so I could see how this version'd fit the film better. 

    IWYL. What the hell, instant love. I fucking ADORE this song, Vibes, the subtle build up, the ad-libs, the VIBES DISCOOOOOooooOo

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