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Atom Heart

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Everything posted by Atom Heart

  1. Atom Heart


    That sucks, I was looking forward to getting one.
  2. Atom Heart


    Looks like I'm buying a signed copy when I get paid, it'll push back my chance of an Ultraviolence box set. Is the amount of signed copies limited????
  3. Whoever gets their box sets a few days before release could you tell me if the FNAC & Lanadelrey.com editions are different, like officially? I don't want to spend $100 for no reason.
  4. Atom Heart


    Send it to me as well.
  5. Poor Lana, she can't just live her life without Beyoncé stealing her ideas.
  6. Atom Heart

    Charli XCX

    When will there be justice for London Queen, it's probably my new favorite besides Breaking Up.
  7. I didn't notice the links were down. But can you sent me Plans & Team Perfect?
  8. http://fuckyeahflorencewelch.tumblr.com/songs this has an accurate list of unreleased and demos. Ceremonials has 2 main versions, the Wikipedia page has a full list. The UK deluxe is the best version to buy, it doesn't have the unnecessary remixes and acoustics. The demo Landscape is on it. Lungs will be hardest to find due to it being released a billion different times. Torrent each version of the album and pick out the duplicates and completely rebuild your tracklist from there. I spent like 3 years building my current tracklist. You can PM me or something I guess.
  9. Do what I'm doing and just ask them for a group birthday present as the UV box set. And happy early birthday! Mine is the 16th!
  10. I'm a diehard fan but I'm not shoveling out $100 for that. I'm waiting until after the release to get one unless it's discontinued.
  11. ITS RELEASED ON MU BIRTHDAY OMG :giveup3: Edit : $100?
  12. And we don't even know if she recorded other videos already.
  13. I'm kind of building on my first Paradise LP version and I thought of including Tropico to it. It sounds even more smooth and countinuous from the end of Lucky Ones from BTD. I call it 'Paradise - Tropico Edition' or 'Tropico In Paradise'. 1. Intro 2. Body Electric 3. I Sing The Body Electric 4. Ride 5. Angels Forever 6. Starry Eyed 7. JFK 8. Hollywood 9. Blue Velvet 10. Bel Air 11. America - Why I Love Her 12. Gods and Monsters 13. Paradise Lost 14. Burning Desire 15. Cola 16. American 17. Yayo 18. Tropico Score I believe this would be a perfect bridge into the Ultraviolence era, since Cruel World is really long it could work after Yayo+Tropico Score without dragging along too long.
  14. Because the cd will match the booklet and stuff and then if you use a fan made cover on your physical copy it'll look weird.
  15. If the CD matches the original case you are all fucked.
  16. I doubt it's real but it's just hard not to think it is.
  17. It's funny because Lana seems slightly more lighthearted than Marina :giveup: Lana's vocals an instrumentals help her sound more dark and stuff (plus the explicitness in her lyrics).
  18. I respect your opinion but the actual meanings behind her songs are really dark. Even Primadonna is laced depressing lyrics, it's about a girl who fills her heart with possessions because love means nothing to her. She needs the constant attention because there is no other way for her to feel anything .
  19. Make Paradise a full length LP. The transition from Born To Die, her false ascent into heaven. 1. Ride 2. Angels Forever 3. Starry Eyed Lana becomes saddened by her time away from Earth and is reminiscent of her past life. 4. JFK 5. Hollywood 6. Bel Air 7. Blue Velvet Lana returns to Earth in search of the love/lust that she lost. 8. Body Electric 9. Gods & Monsters 10. Burning Desire 11. Cola 12. Yayo 13. American Im debating whether or not to add the Tropico versions of the songs and their interludes to help the album bridge easier from start to finish.
  20. She wrote The Ocean and they called it boring so she scratched it out and wrote Kill Kill.
  21. That would mean she would have to release 1 new promo pic 2.53846154 days for that to be realistic. I hope the booklet does have a lot of photos though, maybe that's what the 16 page book thing French Amazon is for. That would mean she would have to release 1 new promo pic 2.53846154 days for that to be realistic. I hope the booklet does have a lot of photos though, maybe that's what the 16 page book thing French Amazon is for.
  22. Yes. It was her debut, then it got rereleased as Between Two Lungs.
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