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Everything posted by violets

  1. imagine white hot forever is not on the tracklist also, i love the suspense, even though im dying to hear something from this record... we have no clue what its going to sound like honestly
  2. i get why it would be hard to believe this especially with whats going on. and i dont doubt it might have stopped her from doing other things for a concept. but considering the fact that the earliest we know she started working on this album was soon after normans release, i would assume she did have some time to get photoshoots etc. completed. especially since social distancing/lockdowns really werent forced in the US until mid-march.
  3. the fake tracklist era has started https://twitter.com/witchdiamandis/status/1274770543527460867
  4. i love when she does random shit like the honeymoon hotline i hope we get something different like that again! so i just called the honeymoon hotline and now it is playing a small clip of california! did we know this already or am i behind? i last remember it playing american
  5. same i def regretted it as well... the release night was crickets for me... lord give me the strength to not do it again (if COCC leaks)
  6. remember when she posted that vintage shite and some of us (including me) really thought we were getting some old-hollywood glamour era with huge fucking hair
  7. just a theory but what if she got the girl who painted the violet bent cover to paint a COCC cover !?
  8. most of those twitter stans still think LDR cigaratte and coke breakfast jokes are funny so i dont expect them to know much
  9. is there a website that i can find all of lana's photoshoots in highest quality??
  10. its always great to assume the worst, really helps you get prepared i think unless thats just my extremely toxic mindset
  11. IDK! i like to assume the worst so i dont get disappointed... but the worst could actually be like 5 songs
  12. that is true but also lana really hasnt confirmed anything. i feel like her saying "my album..." doesnt hold much and it easily could be an ep that she just didnt refer to as one, if that makes sense!
  13. did we ever think of the possibility of this record only having like 7 songs
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