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Everything posted by violets

  2. she unfollowed hilary duff WTF DID DUFF DO?????
  3. lana just post a new song at this point since we are doing anything these days
  4. i get her point but she needs to back down, shes not going to convince anyone at this point that isnt convinced already.
  5. i really wonder what happened with ari, do we think she talked to her privately?
  6. right when people were forgetting
  8. they are embarrassed... as they should be!
  9. mess... people are trying to defend her on twitter after they all came for lana calling her anti-black,,, now look at their fave, pandering to alt-right incels and making anti-black jokes and laughing along with them..
  10. people are ****speculating**** FKA blocked her thus why lana "unfollowed" too
  11. i kinda wouldnt mind a tease soon,,, its only about 3 months away!! lana teases sometimes over a year before a project is released so
  12. im manifesting this
  13. this is just a mess. i made a comment in unpopular opinions but ill kinda talk about it again in here. im scared for her, she seems deeply hurt and very mad. i dont want to deny her the right of expressing her feelings but theres truly so many better ways she couldve went around this. but if someone wants to clear this up for me, im just still confused why she needed to almost act and then once again in her clarification act like she went through the worst (while those girls all went through major criticisms)? meanwhile lana at her latest was being PRAISED for NFR... i thought that was her own artistic growth which she would proud of, not her doing what the critics wanted? why dwell on the past and give it that much of your energy? and if ur so upset about not charting and getting #1's (which i assumed she wasnt) which she felt the need herself to point out about those girls getting, like others have suggested, PROMOTE YOURSELF AND YOUR MUSIC! THATS WHAT THEY DO TO GET TO THE TOP OF THE CHARTS! i am directly split in the middle with this, i have made many comments being understanding of her and defending her but this is something i really feel off about.
  14. ok i just had an epiphany and im disturbed by lana today. i dont know if its bc im high but its truly weirding me out. i know she went through a lot and she has the right to talk about things bothering her but this was just odd and seemed like it could've been addressed in suchh a better way... id like to say she doesnt give a fuck but it just looks like she does, a lot.
  15. r we even gonna bother moving to a pre-release thread or just stay in pre-pre... either way i wish she would give more info this is a very dry sad pre release thread
  16. i mean... sure this was a little unexpected but like @@Cacciatore said, she has always shown signs of having "no filter"... im truly not shocked lmfao
  17. she could post a video of her peeing and people would forget about it next month... im not rly worried about her damaging her career. maybe a little stain but
  18. i dont doubt lana will bounce back, they always do. but i think this definitely might have put a stain on her image.
  19. yea but this time is truly different... she usually gets backlash within smaller areas of twitter and no one really acknowledges it.. but shes currently trending with 800k tweets and its only growing...
  20. imagine if she was talking ab the poetry book bye and she just called it an album because she doesnt want it to be any less regarded than her music... guess we will see when the time comes
  21. she could easily clarify but i feel she truly wont. ldr does not GAF! id assume she wouldnt sabotage her image like this on purpose but... i dont know
  22. just sad people will take it the wrong way, whatever
  23. so many ppl r gonna take that msg the wrong way... i fear for her
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