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Everything posted by violets

  1. IDK! i like to assume the worst so i dont get disappointed... but the worst could actually be like 5 songs
  2. that is true but also lana really hasnt confirmed anything. i feel like her saying "my album..." doesnt hold much and it easily could be an ep that she just didnt refer to as one, if that makes sense!
  3. did we ever think of the possibility of this record only having like 7 songs
  4. wait whats the tea on a lana and frank collab?? where did we hear this from
  5. imagine: after 3 months of silence from lana we are all crippling with anxiousness but its finally september 4th... lana has not said one thing about the album... we all assume this is on purpose because its a surprise... the clock hits midnight... no album... only crickets
  6. will it be shot by neil? no way. steven? nah. chuck? nope. selfie by lana? potentially
  7. while i think a lot of us fantasize about certain leaked unreleased making it onto a record, i truly hope everything on it is new. for some reason unreleased tracks sound much better when they STAY unreleased, it gives them some type of mystique... tnbar being on NFR ruined the song for me, honestly.
  8. born to die is her best song ever
  9. yea i think we all agree at this point this record will be very outspoken ... but i also fear about HOW outspoken it may be. her ass would probably name drop more celebs
  10. ik lana has received a lot if backlash lately so we are a little scared but calm down... by this point, the public is busy dealing with bigger issues than what lana del rey is posting.
  11. the one thing i noticed with NFR is that her vocals seem very drained out on a lot of the tracks and overpowered by the instrumentals, when in the past her vocals were very clear to me. i dont know if this is how she wanted the record to sound or if its some shit jack does but i hope we dont get more of that because i dislike it... alot
  12. have we talked about song's we would like her to cover for this album ?! i know we barely know anything about the sound... but id love to see what you guys would like to see her cover this era!
  13. i saw that as well.. what was THAT all about ?!? people saying it gives HIM money?
  14. just saw that... im disturbed honestly
  15. its as simple as spreading awareness. is that too much to ask for?
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