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Everything posted by violets

  1. girl how much they pay her to promote that
  2. interesting... the name darla is very familiar and i thought they have been reliable in the past (i always saw them first posting leaks) but this is a new darla acc and they seem to act more like a random bored gay than some insider
  3. https://twitter.com/darlaxxxworly/status/1256300398689878018?s=21 on a scale of 1-10 how fake do we think this is ladies (10 being total attention seeking bullshit) they posted another tweet saying its for LDR7 thats why i posted here btw
  4. https://youtu.be/P1Vs5BbZdjY
  5. fiily i just cant stand it lol
  6. when she drops it tonight
  7. Mariners Apartment Complex - 10 + Venice Bitch - 67 California - 64 -
  8. Mariners Apartment Complex - 16 + Venice Bitch - 60 California - 66 -
  9. violets

    Miley Cyrus

    damn im assuming its still somewhere and some people have it then... hopefully it finds its way around again
  10. yea :/... my anger cant even be put into words! i thought id get used to it but it always has me ranting in my room to myself... i usually have to get high to really forget about it... but oh well. im leaving for college in august so that will be very therapeutic. the stuff they say, especially on the opinion shows is mind blowing, they just sit there and lie to their viewers (lies that take 1 google search to disprove) and you feel so helpless because you realize majority of their base has 1/3rd the average brain cells and are easily manipulated, especially even more helpless when its your own father.
  11. YES i totally agree!!! whenever he goes on those daily briefings and my parents turn it on i just turn my headset up to 100% volume so i cant hear the bullshit... its like watching propaganda... he likes to make everything pretty and perfect but america needs a reality check. ITS NOT PRETTY! we are doing awful (better than lets say last week... but still awful)... people are being buried by the dozens in massive dirt graves in my state... its terrifying.
  12. i love politics so im just going to throw in one of my little theorys (take it with a grain of salt)... from what ive seen lately with this whole corona virus thing, its pretty common now for the president to talk about "re-opening the economy"... even though he has claimed he will put no pressure on governers for when to re-open, it seems to be a trend lately for the gop and right media to start pushing this whole idea of re-opening the economy very soon. dr. fauci has already said on fox news (unfortunately my father is a big trump supporter so fox news is on 24/7 in my house... usually i listen and laugh at their stupidity or i put in earbuds to prevent any type of brainwashing )... but anyways fauci said he does not think we should consider re-opening anytime soon. also its already been predicted america will go into one of the worst depressions ever and if we continue this shut down it will only get worse! now what happens when we go into this depression, the president is expected to get us out of it, and if he cant? well he can say goodbye to his re-election. its common in american history where if a president cannot fix the ecocomy, he loses his seat. im pretty sure the gop and right wing media understands this.. they are afraid that if trump cannot fix our economy he will ultimately lose his re-election, thus thats why they have ignoramus' like dr. phil (fake doctor) on fox news to downplay the virus and compare it to swimming pool deaths (AFTER fox news was criticized for the way they treated the virus in early march). then yesterday on the laura ingraham show she expressed that she feels like SARS and HIV are comparable to covid 19 saying something along the lines of "we have no cure for either and still live on so why cant we live on with COVID". dr fauci who was on her show at the time corrected her saying those are such different situations and we cant just expect THIS virus to go away and simple re open the economy. what did fox news then do? like i said before, they had dr. phil on to once again downplay the virus because obviously dr. fauci's opinion on not wanting to re-open the economy isnt good enough nor fits their agenda. the gop is fearful for what trump will have to deal with during the depression... they will do anything they can to make sure hes re-elected so they want to re-open this economy as soon as possible even though fauci expressed how that is not a great thing to do right now. basically to summarize what i said, i believe the gop is just trying to push the re-opening of our economy because they know trump (certified TV host) will NOT be able to handle america after this mess... they are trying to limit the damage as much as possible. also remember, biden was apart of the administration who got america out of the 2008 recession. id love to know ur opinions on this whole thing and if you guys think the re-opening of the economy also connects to trumps re-election! im young and just recently starting to get into politics so sorry for any potential conspiracies lol
  13. violets

    Miley Cyrus

    really upset victoria wont be on the album ! i seriously think its one of her bests... did the full song ever leak or only that snippet thats been on yt?
  14. definitely tea... coffee makes me feel jittery and weird. what do you do to help relieve your anxiety?
  15. Mariners Apartment Complex - 21 + Venice Bitch - 55 California - 66 -
  16. Mariners Apartment Complex - 19 - Venice Bitch - 52 + California - 71
  17. violets

    Dua Lipa

    i am sooo obsessed with FN, since she teased dont start now i knew she was gonna serve but i am disappointed she never released if it aint me ft normani, that song is pop perfection and totally has potential to be a hit
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