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Everything posted by violets

  1. cummin' and smokin' i say fuck g-eazy im very blue
  2. ok but seriously? who the fuck is this fun for? def not us! god she has absolutely no reason for all this and thats what makes me upset
  3. how dare you type this out and make me so emotional this isnt funny omg out of the black into the blue i guess
  4. i hope she isnt coming to the ends of her music career... yall stop with these theories i cant handle them im afraid she will be taking a big break after NFR is released. all we can hope is that this album is her magnum opus and will save us!
  5. holy shit we are actually looking at a fall release. this is awful. one whole year!
  6. i hope lana changed her mind with having the poetry coming first. because at this point does she really think her comment section can handle at most 2 months with no album? there is no way in HELL im being nice if i have to wait till sept. the album is done, since you clearly dont give a fuck, release it get it out of the way and focus on your poetry. i only assume its coming before the poetry bc she enabled her comments more often and posted that little snippet. almost as a way of slowly letting us back in and knowing we will get fed soon? who fucking knows anymore
  7. oh wow!! thats actually great to know! i assumed lionsgate had 100% meaning we were fucked... there is at least the slightest chance she could ever release... or it just gets leaked. could you link me the post ? insta user cult_singer we are talking to you
  8. ok since we clearly arent getting the album for the at least 4 months lets all take our time instead of ranting on this thread, harassing lionsgate daily for never releasing LIB! mod note: user was warned for this post
  9. i will now use this picture literally instead of in a joking matter:
  10. can someone please link where lana is talking about the unreleased album and people a throwing out songs and shes like "yes... oh yess..." lol i think its a livestream not the amoeba preformance edit: FOUND it!
  11. omg same!! i remember hearing it on soundcloud bc someone linked it on twitter. i was so shook ... but only did i know what else was awaiting me
  12. speaking of her dad, its funny bc today he totally slammed religion on twitter (and on easter), implying its the cause of all wars in history and has only brought the opposite of peace! and i totally agree with him. considering his daughter is trying to get closer to god, he has a different opinion clearly. it was shocking to say the least since they raised her christian. people grow and develop different views, him and lana have taken opposite paths it seems, wonder what he thinks ab her whole "closer to god thing"
  13. ok... i just got a tarot reading based on messages from my "future self" and it perfectly described an upsetting loss in my life recently (not physical). and to get over it because something better is coming something that id rather over this loss... and the girl that read it kept giving examples like "you are just in the verse, wait for the chorus" and it made me think of the music and the album... now i want this album even more i mean i believe in this stuff but im just trying to make myself feel better assuming its ab the album... its probably ab something else in coming in my life since this album isnt a "personal" thing directed for me to change my life (UNLESS IT IS).
  14. NOT BESS KDKDK this is so off topic let me rant about this era so i dont get a warning point
  15. i guess. she really did embody "lana del rey" as her own. but shes been lookin more like Elizabeth lately
  16. i find it funny if they call her lana... i mean thats her stage name... wouldnt you call a friend by idk their actual name?
  17. it makes sense! the whole "$1" thing is kinda weird imo. i mean lana sells a basic hoodie for i think $70 on her website. if she was selling a poetry book i doubt it would be anywhere near a dollar. she seems to just talk from her ass this era. theres no point in posting every poem then just releasing a hard copy version ... like ma'am we already saw and read each one.
  18. that! or she couldve release yose/BAR as off to the side folk singles like she said she would. i mean its not like this is a cohesive era anyways
  19. not me getting in fights with kiss up fans in the comments. im so sick of people saying artists dont owe their fans anything. thats utter bullshit considering artists wouldn't be where they are without the fans thats an obvious fact. an artist wouldnt enjoy the luxuries they do if it wasnt for the fans. fame and money doesnt come from the recording studio. it comes from us. im so tired
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