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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. 29 days ago, I was like, “LMAAOOOO what is this cover art aaahahaha I love you Lana” and now I really like and appreciate the cover.
  2. The “purple” vinyl just looks like the UO version but with the standard cover? I dunno, it makes me think it’s fake.
  3. I’d say check with record stores where you live! I was surprised to see my local record store sell the blue vinyl - I ordered one ASAP lol.
  4. Petition to make new emoticons from the new interviews we got yesterday on video. Some of her expressions are golden.
  5. Omg the new thread title We’ve almost made it, guys!
  6. ~ she doesn’t have a plan and feels like there doesn’t have to be one ~ Oh, I haven’t read this thread for two weeks to stay away from spoilers. Makes sense that I don’t remember them then lol.
  7. ... Shit, I don’t remember plant fuckers or buttholes?? Only flat earthers and anti-vaxxers lmao.
  8. YES the car vs boat thing made me think of LanaBoards as well!! Also the discussion if she would wear white again or not!
  9. I don’t know what to feel to be honest, there has been some real fun times but pretty dark ones as well. Lock ha up!!
  10. I just wanna pop in and say a few things: - How the HECK have y’all written almost 800 more pages in just these two weeks I’ve been voluntarily absent from this thread?? - I’M EXCITED FOR THE DOIN’ TIME VIDEO!!! I still haven’t watched/listened to FIILY or the greatest (but I will tomorrow) so I’m really looking forward to this one!! - JUST ONE MORE DAY FOR THE ALBUM RELEASE, YYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY!!!! We made it!!
  11. I think she’s a bit scared to look up what fans think of her online. I mean, some people on this forum can be really harsh and even I wouldn’t like to read that. Maybe she’s like me, a bad or mean comment can stay on my mind for hours and ruin a day. Maybe that’s why she doesn’t really go on Reddit. (Although the Reddit fans seem to be nicer and more gentle with their criticism compared to us)I don’t think she has to say if she got more than one extra Instagram and Twitter accounts to lurk with. Sure, she has more. But she doesn’t really have to say she does, the following question would probably be “why so many?” and maybe she just wanted to avoid that question. And yeah, there have been things that Lana’s done/written that kinda proves she lurks on here (which I wouldn’t be surprised if she did) but if I recall right, wasn’t the insta fans confused as well whether it was a title track or not? But yeah, she definitely lurks here, haha.
  12. Honestly, I think so too. Green and pink vinyls? Some kind of painting on the cover? Us hoping for surf elements, in songs and videos? Some hoping for Doin’ Time to be added to the tracklist? I get the feeling she’s been lurking more than usual on this site (and Lana, I’m still sorry for all the things I might’ve said before, I was just frustrated as heck when you wouldn’t tell us anything lol).
  13. - I’m glad to finally know what the original cover art was and glad that we still got it. I actually didn’t think it was the UO cover. - I guess we kiiiind of got an explanation to why she isn’t hitting the high notes when singing live anymore... she thinks she can’t do it! Maybe a vocal coach would help her with that? - Yikes, Franco. o___o
  14. It will be fun to see who she will bring with her to the tour, and I hope she’ll sing some songs with them because honestly, I doubt her fans/stans care about any other artist playing on stage when they bought the ticket to see Lana, haha.
  15. Aah, I saw a link for the interview yesterday but I couldn’t access it all without an account - thank you, @Elle!!
  16. They said they got twenty minutes with her on the phone? Hm hm hmmm, I was hoping for more, was this all?
  17. I’m too lazy to, Hola never worked properly so I uninstalled it like 1-2 years ago. (And I guess I’ve missed everything now anyways) Bless you
  18. itsover.jpg Well, let us know is she says anything interesting, or maybe record everything if any of you can. I’d appreciate it!
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