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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. This. All the piano based songs so far pretty much only have simply chords. Only the first seconds of MAC is playing around a bit but it’s not that... much.
  2. I’ve already forgotten the melody and lyrics, thank l0rd.
  3. Exactly what I was thinking too kendnjemendnsn but can you blame us in this dry era?
  4. I’m praying to the god I don’t believe in that you’re right..!!
  5. I will NOT play this snippet again. I wanna forget pretty much all of it, I won’t do the same mistake I did with Cinnamon and overplay it for weeks.
  6. Nnnnnn it’s also piano driven..! I guess this album will be cohesive then - yay!
  7. Read the poems again and ask yourself if you’d buy them if they weren’t written by Lana. I wouldn’t.
  8. I can never stop loving Lana because she gave us West Coast and that is today's truth.
  9. Probably not. I've never really understood poetry and I think I could live without her book. And I will most likely be broke after buying copies of her album. I was just about to say that Dark Paradise is very much about death, but then I continued reading your post and I see what you mean. Yeah, she could probably write a very beautiful song which many would want to play at funerals.
  10. When I heard HIAB snippet a year ago, I was hoping the album would be out in fall or late 2018. When MAC and VB came in September, I was hoping the album would be out in November 2018. When nothing happened and when hope is a keyboard smash came in January, I was hoping the album would be out in March 2019, April at latest. Now I'm just hoping it will be out this year to be honest. Hoping for May or June, but won't be surprised if it comes later than that.
  11. When the heck did this turn into the astrology thread?
  12. So she has mentioned Red Hot Chili Peppers and The Beetles vibes for the album and also used "folk-y" to describe it. So far, I'm thinking more of the piano in that can be heard in every song, but I really hope they'll come through with some guitars. I really hope so much that the album will be worth the wait - if not, I'm sure fans will trash it more than they otherwise would have. I'm sorry for like always writing about the same things, but there's not much to talk about really... sigh.
  13. It is? Oops, it's in May here, I thought it was the same day all over the world.
  14. https://dbr.ee/vhIW Somewhere around 12 and 15 minutes in.
  15. I'm listening to Zane Lowe's interview again, from September. Why did I miss that she said she might have the album finished by Labour Day (meaning May September! <-- according to Wiki But I'm glad she said in December that the album is done, otherwise we might have been forced to wait longer..!) and that it has a Sgt. Pepper-The Beetles vibe?? Around 12 and 15 minutes in case anyone wants to hear.
  16. If I were a mod, I'd probably lock this thread daily lmao
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