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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. Velvet Apparel is currently having a sale on Lana’s Buttwiser t-shirt from her Ride video! I’d get one if I didn’t just spend all my money on Hozier... https://www.etsy.com/se-en/listing/486337562/buttwiser-t-shirt?ref=related-1
  2. So... if I can bring back my original question so this thread doesn’t become a black hole of negativity, why do you guys think she changed the way she sings on stage? (And I suppose she hasn’t changed it with intention)
  3. I do, it’ll be my first festival and I’m going by myself and I’m scared that I’ll get harassed or robbed on my way home or anything. Yeah, I hope I’ll have a great time, I probably start crying like a baby again when she enters the stage lol, I just really hope those backup vocals won’t be too loud and that she won’t skip too many lines.You’re right though, maybe I’m just creating all these unnecessary negative “what ifs” in my mind - I should just chill and hope for the best. I just thought it would be interesting to read what others think of why/how her vocal performances has changed so much. =P
  4. Don’t get me wrong, I totally adore her previous eras in terms of music and looks and I agree that she does change it up a little bit when it comes to her live stages. I’ve never felt that something didn’t feel like Lana, everything she’s done so far is just so Lana to me and everything feels genuine. And, like I’ve mentioned before on this site, I’m glad that she seems to be in a better place now and takes care herself by surrounding herself with friends and trying to live healthier.I just feel like... man, if I bought a concert ticket and she barely sings, what did I really get for my money? I’m there to listen to her voice after all. And she has so many lovely, beautiful songs to pick and choose from, I don’t quite understand why she won’t play these “fan favorites” - it’s her fans in the crowd after all, no?
  5. Yes, I was thinking about that too - I cried when I saw her, I knew that it wasn't her best performance but I was just so happy to finally hear and see her live that I didn't really mind much. But it wouldn't have hurt if she gave a it bit more.
  6. Jacket is from Forever21. “Plaid Print Jacket” https://www.forever21.com/eu/shop/catalog/product/f21/outerwear_coats-and-jackets/2000307595
  7. I know we will most likely still write how impressed or disappointed we are of a certain performance in its own thread, but I thought that maybe we could have a discussion here. And I mean a discussion, please don't just write stuff like "I hate Lana's dancers" or whatever and just end it there. I just thought we could have a discssion on how she got where she is today. We have slowly seen her skipping lines in songs, relying more on pre-recorded backup vocals, sometimes showing up on stage in what I think we all could say a uninspiring outfit (yes, I'm looking at you, black-sweater-and-leggings look). What are your thoughts on how she went from a dolled up, crying-from-her-soul singer to a mellow, soft-singing casual looking singer? Do you think she'll go back to what she used to sing before? (2012, 2014, 2015, whatever year you'd like to think of) I don't think she's always bad these days. I think she was pretty great at Lolla Brazil in 2018 - she skipped around on stage and seemed energetic in her own way and had pretty good vocal moments. I don't think she was great at the beginning of her career either although her way of singing was pretty unique. I think it might be two things - one, she clearly isn't the same person she was when she recorded BTD and she might have played a persona she had in her mind to fit the aesthetic and the images she was singing about, things she isn't exactly singing about today, and thus, her way of singing changed. That southern accent she could have as Lizzy was cute, but it wasn't exactly her, it was yet another persona (in my opinion) and I guess she ditched that once she became Lana. Second, I wonder if she knows that just seeing someone you've seen perhaps daily in videos and pictures on the internet might hype a fan up enough that they'll still be satisfied with her minimal effort performances? Fans travel across the country and/or overseas to see her (I did) and some go to several of her shows, so she kind of knows there will always be people out there who will love her, no matter what. Maybe she knows that she can skip lines and fans will still be grateful and dream of seeing her again. Maybe she knows that just seeing her can be enough to make a fan's day when they've been dreaming of seeing/hearing her live for years? And yeah, I know I kind of don't make sense here, I would personally expect more as a fan if I got to see her for the first time and she's barely singing - I'd pretty much only get a live instrumental with her band. So how do you think she got to here? Is she "just" performing on festivals for the cash they bring? Is she getting too comfortable? (nothing bad with feeling confident on stage though, she finally has it) Is she just getting lazy? Or is it something else? I don't know, but I just feel like this can't be good when even reporters/reviewers start to pick up that half (or nearly) of the setlists are BTD songs and start to question why she's not singing. Apologies for writing an essay. Edit: let me just add that I'm glad she added some new songs to the LATTM tour, I've always wondered what PWYC would sound like live and now I know (although I haven't heard it live, just through videos). Her medley was pretty as well. I don't think it would hurt to switch out a few more songs to keep it interesting, especially for fans who see her several times.
  8. The two reviews I read weren’t harsh in any way, but - yes, I agree. She can add a minimum amount of effort and fans will still think she was perfect that night. I just hoped she would step up a level but after seeing this (and a few nights from the LATTM tour) I don’t have high expectations for my show anymore. It’s really a 50-50 chance to get a good show with Lana.
  9. I mean, MAC (and VB) is sung kind of softly so I didn’t expect much but it’s just tragic that she still keeps OTTR and barely sings at all.
  10. I just read two reviews who both pointed out her lack of singing and that she’s difficult to be heard. They didn’t seem very impressed and it’s just sad when she has the capacity to become better. One of them (maybe the one I’ll link below) even wrote that people left - ouch. This one was kind of interesting because the reporter asked two fans afterwards if this was normal for Lana and they both said yes and that it might have been her best performance. : ))))) I mean, I cried tears of joy when I saw her too, but I knew it wasn’t her best... The reporter also noticed that her show focuses mostly on the front row crowd, which actually is a bit sad. https://www.nola.com/arts/2019/03/lana-del-rey-performs-at-buku-festival-but-mostly-for-her-first-rows-of-fans.html
  11. I’m guessing it’s too personal and she doesn’t want to risk crying on stage.
  12. Whew, so much negativity in this thread. I get it though, a lot of the criticism is valid. (Not sure valid is the correct word to use but whatevs, my English is nearly perfect lol) The set list is getting old with so many BTD songs, many of them could be replaced with other, beautiful songs. Being late to an one-hour-show isn’t great. Barely making an effort to dress up for stage is disappointing, although she did an effort tonight. Skipping several lines in songs is... very disappointing. I just hope she’ll sound and look ok for my show this summer, but the fact that I can’t be sure of that is sad. On a positive note, her thighs look GREAT and we finally got to hear MAC and VB! Her tossing Mardi Gras beads and polaroids was cute too.
  13. Music video for Almost came out earlier today
  14. One fan sat on the same flight as her band and dancers yesterday, she got some selfies. Didn't say anything if she asked about the album or Yosemite though. https://twitter.com/dobadelrey/status/1108445764294893569
  15. Now I feel bad for being mad at her earlier if it really is out of her hands.
  16. I'm too lazy for that, please let me know if you find something.
  17. Are we the same person? I'm the same, I prefer clothes that can be worn for several years than something that's just a current trend. Faux fur jackets and coats might be true, but will they be here in 5-10 years from now? I don't know... It's fun though, a way to express yourself. I remember a senior when I was in engineering school, he wore a Scottish kilt for like a week or a month to show his support for their will for independence. He caused some conversations but people overall accepted it or just thought it was fun and that he was brave. And yes to the lashes. Eyebrows need to come back too.
  18. The Gemini in me decided to come out I guess. And yesssss, I loved her looks in UV and HM and honestly, same, I might like fashion but I'm really boring in reality, I'm just a jeans and t-shirt gal too (but at least I don't wear all black or leggings). I love jackets though. And I'm not afraid to steal pieces from my brothers' or dad's closets if they're not being used anyway... Ok, I'm going off topic. Sorry, mods.
  19. What concept? Vintage footage of cars going on like a gif, badly inserted hair extensions and one casual picture of Lana sitting next to a road? (Ugh, I miss when she cared about her styling. )
  20. We better be. I'll just go and cool off and keep whining on my Twitter, I'll be back some other time when we finally get some news or something happens to spark up my complaining again. But yeah, now when you say it that way, maybe it is something that she can't affect and she simply has to wait until she gets a green light. If so, then I can't be mad at her. Yeah, that's probably it, the way she keeps teasing her songs tells me she's impatient to let us hear them and wants to share them with us. Maybe she's frustrated too.
  21. I haven't read the past 2400+ comments, but I just wanna drop by because I'm frustrated. I don't get what she's waiting for, what's holding her back? It's ridiculous if she's not releasing finished and completed music because she wants to drop the poems first. The longer she waits, the older the songs feel like - it's been about a whole year since she first teased HIAB now! I can almost guess what it's going to sound now with all the teasers she's given us, same with Cinnamon. We've had patience for a long time now and I honestly feel it fade away day by day. I don't doubt the album will be amazing but I... sigh. I fear that the day I'll finally hold it in my hands, I won't be so excited about it anymore. Other fans and her managers might say we're ungrateful, but I'm not. I just want to know what's going on. I'm glad she's having a good time, hanging out with friends and trying to live healthier, creating songs as usual, but when we've been promised an album that was supposed to come in early 2019 and we still don't know anything except that the release date is non-existent and that the album is done (confirmed for the second time..!), I think we have the right to know what's going on. Is everything done? Is anything missing? Photoshoots? Interviews? Video music recordings? Mastering of songs? What makes Lana and the people involved in this project wait to release the songs? I just hope she'll say something at BUKU, but I don't expect her to...
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