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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. Exactly! Almost all games have different Link’s and each of them have different stories so it won’t be a problem to start playing whichever you’d like. Most games are taking place after OoT anyway, but that’s not something you’ll automatically notice unless you pay attention to hints and know the official Zelda timeline. Good choice by the way! I think OoT might be my favorite Zelda game.
  2. I was thinking of this these last past days too, glad I’m not the only one who thinks this. I love her, but it feels like she prefers to just hang around with friends and living her life so I wouldn’t be mad if she took a break and lived a little and then come back with a smash.
  3. I’m here for her feeling happier, hanging out with friends, trying to take care of herself - who wouldn’t want that? I’m just not feeling that poem, but I think I get what kind of state of mind she’s in lately. She had thoughts she needed to get out but didn’t fit for a song. I think she’s aware that the poems aren’t all especially good, which was why she was hesitant at first with sharing them to the world. They might not be interesting to everyone, I guess she just had a need to write down things that was going on around her. But yeah, I guess I was expecting better lines since she’s mentioned wanting to be a poet once, “I’m a writer first” (which I guess she is in a way, she’s written SO many songs and lyrics) and the lyrics for this album sounds better (to me) than the lyrics we got in LFL. But we’ve only read two poems so far so I won’t be too quick to judge.
  4. The only two songs I’m not sure how I feel about are To noise making (Sing) and Sunlight. The rest... absolutely gorgeous!
  5. Highly doubt it. As song made for his album will most likely not tell the same type of story she’ll share in NFR.
  6. I thought it was already confirmed that there won’t be any collaborative artists on this album?
  7. Ohh, that one. Hm, nah, I don’t think it’s an album trailer. If they don’t have a set release date yet, I doubt they’d let Lana share an album trailer so early. She was probably just teasing her song... again.
  8. I know I’m always talking to myself here and fill up the pages myself too but omgggg No Plan is a hidden GEM, it’s so good I wanna cry fuuuuuck I-
  9. It’s past midnight for me and officially March 1st AND THE ALBUM IS OUT ON SPOTIFY ALREADY!! This video was out a few hours ago as well. I’m glad for it because I’ve been thinking about it and those details you can see on his hand (and shirt although I could already guess the symbolism behind that one)! I think it’s great to see him work so closely with his mom again, the artwork is absolutely stunning. I really love the cover. And his brother got an award nomination for the music video of Nina Cried Power.
  10. I kind of just realized that it might have been pure luck that Lana wore something white for the album cover... or what do you think?
  11. I played the demo version of Yoshi's Crafted World and it looked really cute and it was kind of fun. ♥ I would definitely have bought it if I was much younger.
  12. I've been playing BotW soundtrack all day - I'm liking it the more I play it. It felt so odd to not have a majestic song for Hyrule Field the first time I got there but the more I thought about it, it made more sense that "everything" in the game was so silent. By the way, does anyone here read the manga too? I've read Himekawa's manga for OoT and SS, and I'm currently reading TP (next volume comes out this summer... can't wait!). Shotaro Ishinomori's ALTTP was a bit different but I loved the artwork. I haven't played the game though so I'm not sure how close it was to the real stuff. The TP manga is by far the best of the ones I've read.
  13. I'm actually not feeling happy for reaching 1200 pages at all, it's just... sad.
  14. ... Well I dunno, I've only been here for one pre-pre-thread and you've mentioned being a member here before so I don't know what's considered to "fit" in a certain type of thread. All of those random topics just feel like they belong in the random convo thread instead of a pre-pre or pre-thread to me.
  15. But like, all of that will surely just be written in a pre-pre-thread anyway since it's the most active thread on this forum? There's literally no difference between that one and this thread apart from the name?
  16. Omg I hate the habibi girls and their songs, it's just for kids anyway But yeah, I agree.
  17. What difference would that make, we have almost nothing to discuss anyway? =/
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