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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. Wait, did it... did it all burn down?? D: That would be terrible, I saw videos and photos but could nothing be saved?
  2. Saturday seem to have too many BTD songs (aaaand she'll probably skip 50% of the lyrics for OTTR), not really feeling Sunday... I'll go basic and pick Friday like everyone else and yay, I'd get to meet you all there!
  3. I saw Elle giving warnings for going off topic yesterday, maybe you want to be careful with that, you know I love you but maybe this belong in the post-LFL thread? ♥
  4. When we’ve been going on with the complaining for too many pages that someone makes an account just to tell how much of a mess we are. Hi, welcome to LB! Feel free to add anything to the discussions and I hope you’ll like it here.
  5. I think I'll always associate hope is a keyboard smash with winter though because it's a pretty dark song and it's so dark here during the winters. The lack of daylight and a sad, minimalistic ballad fit well together to me.
  6. I think Lana said she has 30 poems, not 13 She said to Zane that they’re 13, but that was in September so maybe they’re more now? http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/blog/282/entry-1116-nfr-era-timeline-updated-constantly/
  7. http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/1435-request-thread/ And to answer your question, I don't. There's a good remake of it if you search for it on Youtube though.
  8. Thanks, I'm currently checking Heath's out - wow!
  9. Wait, what, I can only remember two versions of it?? The album version and the acoustic one. And that Stint remix on Youtube... Edit: Omg Heath's remix is so DIFFERENT!
  10. Sounds like my tweet from two days ago. ♥ "Five years later and West Coast is still THAT song!"
  11. I just tried to reach out to V Magazine, asking about the photoshoot, but I doubt they’ll reply. If they do, I’ll let you know asap.
  12. It’s mid-April, I really hope she’ll say something about the album sometime soon. I’m tired, literally and of waiting for proper news.
  13. This is my favorite cover of all. I love seeing it on my shelf. I agree, but she could really have picked a better picture or angle, it’s just so... I feel like she’s mocking us with that selfie and like she didn’t even care to pick a better one. (Maybe it was her intention to be mocking)
  14. SAME, I got to know that a close friend of mine would go to Bråvalla in 2014 when all the tickets were sold out so it was too late, and I had exams to take in 2017 (but luckily I got to see her in London instead). This time I’ll finally see her here!
  15. I haven’t played HTD or Cinnamon snippets for months and I still remember them so clearly, I know all the lyrics to HTD by heart. And we still don’t have either song. This is tragic. .___.
  16. If we look at the European festival dates... Ireland June 22 Denmark June 27 Sweden June 28 Poland July 6 Portugal July 18 Spain July (19? 20? to be decided) UK July 21 Switzerland July 24 ... then we can hope that the album is out June 21st at latest. It's a Friday. Ugh, it feels so far away. *sobs*
  17. She'll be on stage on Thursday, June 27th according to the website
  18. Don’t they have one-day tickets up yet? Edit: Oh shit, that was the price for a one-day ticket.
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