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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. I'm sure it'll be available to listen to later too! They said on the radio today that you could go to their website and listen to yesterday's performances.
  2. Seeing this thread reminded me, Tove plays 10 PM local time and Swedish radio sends her full concert, tune in if you want to: https://sverigesradio.se/sida/avsnitt/1093062?programid=4067 About 40 minutes left before she starts. Edit: Tove starts at 1:59:00 if you click to play the whole concert.
  3. I saw this on H&M and it reminded me of The Luella's dress that Lana wore in Paris last summer, so I guess it's almost a look-a-like but cheaper? Appr. 45 USD or €39. http://www2.hm.com/sv_se/productpage.0657057002.html
  4. "One day my hoops will be made of diamonds, my knuckles made of real gold" VS "Ladies, if you really wanna rein them suckers // line up your lips, plump up your puckers // It's about the only way to get them motherfuckers // to do what you want to"
  5. 5 because I didn’t even know it was a song.
  6. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think Iceland have tundra?
  7. I'm not sure what that would mean, but I'm here for it.
  8. I'm sorry people for going off topic, I swear this will be my last comment of this small discussion Yeah, it's the complete opposite in summer, I can't wait for the sun to set at 11 PM or close to midnight. Not long yo go now.
  9. Yeah? If you go further north, you'll barely have sunlight at all. And if you live above the Artic circle, you'll have one day of the year in complete darkness.. no, thank you.
  10. Nah, the Stockholm area. I can't even imagine living further up. :toofunny:
  11. Like I wrote on a status update some time ago, this song by Mayka really made me think of Lana's early songs when she tried to find her sound. The lyrics (and the sound) makes me think of Lana and I can't help but hearing her singing it instead.
  12. She needs to spend winter further up of the northern hemisphere is she needs more darkness... I have darkness from 3 PM to ~9 or 10 AM during winter.
  13. ... I'm a mess. 10! Looks like a classic photo that will look good for ever.
  14. Wish granted, but you'll hear them complain about exams and essays for the next 50 years. -------------- Wtf, how?? ------------------ I wish that I feel better soon.
  15. I've had it for like two weeks, but thanks? 3, it was better before the gif.
  16. "And when he calls, he calls for me, and not for you" VS “Can I let go and let your memory dance in the ballroom of my mind, across the county line?”
  17. Love them, as long as the story is well written and the actors are good. Beans?
  18. You'll get it, but it will be too stormy to enojy it. I wish next summer will be the best of life so far.
  19. Ugh, now I wanna be one of those fans who stay outside the studio just tell her how much I love her! In a non-stalker way of course.
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