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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. So I've heard "Real Love", "I Love You Honeybear" and "Chateau Lobby" and liked them quite a lot, what other songs do you recommend me to listen to? Any hits or classics that I just have to hear?
  2. Nobody knew. Probably the guy she was dating in my dream, but no one specific that I can remember. I was just happy for her. =P
  3. I dunno but I feel like this place has become much more negative since the WM video. I love Lana and don't think she deserves to constantly being called lazy. But yeah, it feels wrong to sell signed CD's and vinyls before they even are signed. That's just so wrong by the merch management staff. I hope my (unsigned) vinyl will arrive within a reasonable time.
  4. Oh wow... I never thought of it like that. That's so sad, but I think your theory is correct.
  5. I dreamt that Lana tweeted that she was pregnant and very happy and excited, and I was so happy for her since it sounded like it was something she really wanted. And she wrote back to fans who congratulated her in the most sweetest way and she also wrote all her sassy tweets... ... And then I woke up and thought that it's good that she's not pregnant in real life because then the world tour might be postponed. Omg, I felt so selfish and immediately regretted even thinking such a thing...
  6. ^ That was a really interesting video, thanks for sharing!
  7. One big question: what the f is this? https://open.spotify.com/album/5QAtkp1tFHsx4JyLxQmWtQ
  8. I wrote this in the WM thread: Because somewhere in my mind, I really think that Lana made this video for White Mustang and it was just her humming in the IG story that made us think that it was suppsed to be for BAR... but then again, I also feel like it fits better for BAR and it makes it hard for me to truly enjoy the video when I 1) don't really like White Mustang that much and 2) can't help but thinking that it might have been made for BAR. But since it got leaked, she might have scrapped it from the album. Which is a shame. And like she wrote on Twitter today: Strong in the midst of outside factors that can't be controlled-symbolized by the missile- and strong because I choose to push him away There are still so many beautiful mysteries left to unravel in our lifetime That is kind of her explanation for the missile thing. I still don't think that the way they put Get Free in the middle of everything made things better, just more messy. However, I am happy that she chose to tell a story where she finally is strong, independent and confident in herself. This is the first video that we've seen that story for her and I hope that her life will be better in the future. My first thoughts on the video can be read here at the end of the page: http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/9280-next-music-video-white-mustang-out-now/page-16
  9. I told y'all that she was strong and independent in this video! Finally choosing the right thing, leaving a lousy guy and not sticking with him anymore.
  10. It's been working fine for me. I'm browsing with my phone on desktop mode.
  11. All the journalists would be like "are you finally happy now Lana??" lmao
  12. Someone educate me, who is David Lynch? Some of his most known works?
  13. Oh I didn't know you lived in Japan!! Stay safe! Is there anyone who knows that the United Nations etc are going to do now? I woke up by my radio alarm clock as usual and all I remember is that they said that the missile went over Japan - scary as fuck!! I'm not sure, it could be that Korea used to be Japan's colony and were treated badly for not so many years ago. It could also be that their economy is very consumer friendly... I forgot what it's called.
  14. New York shows in October I think, tour dates announcement, actual tour shows, looking at paparazzi shots... waiting for the next album I guess.
  15. Translated lyrics for all of you who don't know Swedish:
  16. I was thinking the same... they must be out this month or mid-October. Unless she meant that the selling starts in Januray, but it didn't seem so according to the guy she spoke with.
  17. Japanese Castella cake You haven't experienced perfection until you've tasted and seen this cake.
  18. Beautiful Loser

    Song vs. Song

    Oh no don't make me choose!! Groupie Love vs BAR
  19. No, that sounds gross to me. But I haven't tried it so I can't say for sure. Do you agree that they only play re-runs on TV during summers?
  20. Petition for having Stargirl to style and direct the next music video.
  21. Poor Arcadia got attacked for hours... I wonder this too.
  22. lol Swedish Universal Music completely ignores Lana's new music video. Edit: their twitter account I mean. Edit no.2: Lmao Universal Music Croatia tweeted about it but still nothing from Sweden. I'm disappointed since LFL got the number one spot here and newspapers praised it.
  23. I start to wonder... maybe this shooting really was intended for WM. After all, there are white cars in the video (can't really tell if they're Mustangs, I don't know much about cars), she sings about dropping a record and the guy seems to be an artist at least... and she also sings about leaving ("summer's meant for loving and leaving") and she clearly leaves him in the video too. But it's so hard to think that it really IS for White Mustang when the fan edits with BAR playing instead makes so much more sense. I dunno, maybe I'm just seeing what I wanna see...
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