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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. I heard Coachella before joining here and before I read any opinions on twitter. And I appreciated the lyrics because, once again, it sounded like something written in a diary. Although it kinda felt like she tried to say so much in the verses which she usually doesn't. But I remember that I was disappointed with the instrumentals, it sounded undone with the trap beats and too rushed somehow. And the weird background noise which I can't really describe... you know, that sound which never ends but just goes up or down a note? Do you know what I mean? Anyway, it sounded like a demo to me, like as if they put it there until they found the right instrument to use instead (like a bass or strings instead). And no, I still don't like it very much but I think the sound suit the rest of the album now that I've heard it all. I think it's placed perfectly after In My Feelings, right after the last tune of it. It works good when Coachella starts. So I have to admit that I like it more now than I did at the beginning, but it's still not great. Edit: Omg, so many auto correct spellings here, I should read it all through before posting. It's fixed now.
  2. I know, I can't imagine what it would sound like! Too heavenly! I just really really want her to sing for a Bond movie once in her life! I bet the Bond producers think all Lana sings about is daddies and drugs and won't even consider her to do one. But I know she'd do a great song for it.
  3. But Adele's "Skyfall" sounded majestic and they played it on the radio a lot... it didn't overshadow the movie (it got great reviews if I remember right?) but I guess it... I dunno, got more attention than the movie for a long time after the premiere?So I don't think Lana would be a bad choice either.
  4. Love and Lust For Life are such amazing songs, especially when it comes to the instrumentals but I played them so much while waiting for the album that I hardly listen to them anymore.
  5. I like them... feels kinda like something written in a diary for me. You know, about your day and feelings even though nothing much really happened that day. And very personal since she's addressing the paparazzi problem as well, we get a glance of what it's like to be Lana.
  6. Well it translated this into "I think she's already doing it, right?" which sounds right to me since I definitely can see an "je" (I), "crois" (think), "qu'elle" (that she?) and ",non?" (no?/am I right?/right?) in that sentence.
  7. Sorry, I don't speak French. I only know "je ne se pais". Ok google translate helped me.
  8. I'm kinda want Lana to add a tiny "bitch" in a Cherry performance now, like just at the end when she thinks no one can hear it but everyone still does and freak out. I dunno, I just think it would be too funny to watch on a fancam video.
  9. I dunno, I love the final version but I've overplayed it too much while waiting for the album to come so I haven't listened so much to it haha. ^^' For me, it's perfect and I find it hard to imagine that a demo would be better.
  10. Isn't that the demo that Stargirl wants as well? The futuristic blade runner version or whatever it is? It does sound interesting.
  11. Oh my gosh, I knew the production for LFL would sound amazing when I first heard the song a cold spring day, but this is so BEAUTIFUL!!
  12. Wow, this is cool, I didn't know she had a webpage before!
  13. Shout out to @Roctab for mixing Spanish in his posts, making me giggle inside because you make this thread more funny than it already is.
  14. Beautiful Loser


    The drums in "I Miss You" brings me to life, I honestly consider this one of her best songs and a masterpiece. The drums, the bridge, the beat, the chorus, the end... I love it!! It must be awesome on live concerts! That is, if she doesn't cancel her tours because of vocal chords problems.
  15. Noooo, the link died for me too! I was gonna do the same and then the link died - don't do it!
  16. (I actually like the final version and this demo snippet of Brite Lites, don't hate me guys, I really dig the final sometimes )
  17. Now, this link tells me to upload something. I'll stick to the first link.
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