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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. Look at all her smiles, she was so happy..! https://instagram.com/p/BXt7NaYFxZy/ Of course, but I don't think it's ok to say that Lana seemed sleepy - she was very much awake from what I could see. Also, I would like to see her sing more and let the audience sing along less (we've payed to hear her after all), but they also need to fix the mixing. There were times in London where I couldn't hear her because of all the fans. It's not perfect, and I don't mind that they rated the show 3/5 or that this might not have been the reporter's kind of music but... Lana didn't sound sleepy. Sure, she doesn't sing so strongly anymore but... still. Don't call her sleepy.
  2. Göteborgs-Posten, the city's own newspaper, gave Lana 3/5 and the reporter writes "She barely has the energy to sing half of the songs and I'm afraid that she's gonna fall asleep." Gurl... wtf? I think you're the sleepy one and couldn't hear her properly?? Also wrote that some songs were great (Cherry, Ultraviolence, Love...) but otherwise it doesn't sound like the reporter was impressed. Except for her love for the fans. From what I saw on all the clips, she sounded amazing and she's not lazy for letting the fans sing along... she just loves hearing us. Source: http://www.gp.se/nöje/musik/till-och-med-lana-del-rey-kan-bli-för-blasé-1.4527906
  3. How can she look so beautiful and perfect after a concert and so early in the morning, their plane would leave at 4 in the morning??! A goddess.
  4. Ashley had her first Insta Live a few moments ago from their hotel room, she kept on praising how great it is to work with Lana and how cute the others are (Blake, Alex, Byron). And she loved a flower crown she got. She seemed so nice and happy.
  5. The webpage I posted before came out on the 10th, and it keeps saying "this week"/"Saturday", so... maybe it really is out already? "Esta semana, miramos hacia la recta final del verano y analizamos las tendencias que se van a llevar en la próxima temporada de otoño/invierno en un reportaje especial de 18 páginas. ... Todo esto y mucho más este sábado en tu quiosco junto a EL MUNDO y el resto de la semana a la venta de manera individual" So does it mean you can buy the magazine individually next week or..?
  6. Btw, the show should be over now, it's midnight and that's when the schedule said the stage closes. So she has performed... Body Electric, Cherry, Shades of Cool, Blue Jeans, Born To Die, Change, White Mustang, Summertime Sadness... can't find any more info. Also, she wore a flower crown from a fan. https://instagram.com/p/BXtcAC9FwGo/ Took me 20 minutes to finish this, lol I'm sorry, I didn't see Roctab's posts until now. xD
  7. She sounded heavenly on Born To Die, those extra ooh's she added I CAN'T I'm loving the way she sings it recently, like yesterday in Finland and tonight as well. Makes me wonder how it would sound if she recorded it today.
  8. Why didn't I get a notification that there's a live stream on Lana's IG account?? Edit: it died after he word "capable".
  9. I don't know, a picture on Twitter showed a spread of her from the KROQ festival earlier this year. Maybe it's already out?
  10. I know, I was hoping that my countrymen would spazz on their social media a lot more! I'm disappointed! Although I understand them - I prefer enjoying the moment myself anyways. The Spanish/Latino fan accounts on Twitter are MUCH more active!
  11. Do you know any songs she's performed so far? I haven't found any video clips... Probably the same sets as recently, but still. I wanna know if I'm missing anything good.
  12. Looks like a weird lace dress to me, but hey, at least it's not adidas!
  13. I hope it won't be delayed, Ashley can't find the dressing room? D: If it's delayed, I hope they still can play all songs even though the stage closes at midnight. Oh lol, never mind, I thought it was 22 already but it's only 21. xD
  14. Spanish magazine Yo Dona will have an interview (?) with Lana in their upcoming issue? I don't know what the questions will be, but if someone finds it and think there's something interesting, please share. My Spanish is a bit rusty, but I do know that theyll be writing about her album (obviously), new projects, her political and professional image (is that the right word?) and how she handles fame. Original lines that I tried to translate: I can't really see what the quote says on the cover, but something like "La gente me oidaba antes. Por eso no cancedía entrevistas." She doesn't seem to be their cover girl, so no new photoshoots I guess. Source: http://www.elmundo.es/yodona/lifestyle/2017/08/10/598c64e846163f482b8b45ec.html
  15. I dreamt last night that I got to see Lana live once more, this time reeeaaalllyyy front row, and she was the sweetest and sang so many songs she hasn't sung and I remembered so many details when I woke up but not anymore. I guess she wore Adidas too.
  16. Beautiful Loser

    Song vs. Song

    Is This Happiness vs Wayamaya
  17. Oh, cool! I doubt Lana has created something like that too, 16 videos would crave a LOT of time to make. And wouldn't her videos be uploaded on YouTube anyways? Like the rest?
  18. Sorry for my ignorance, but what is a "visual album"? You get pictures to download or what?
  19. So people on Twitter are saying the pre tickets were sold out before anyone had access to them? That's crazy, poor fans!
  20. New article about Lana in local newspaper (local as for Gothenburg), nothing new really except for the comment "I wanna be a part of and lit up a sparkle, the sparkle that will be the beginning of the end of what's going on in America right now. I wanna be a part of the conversation and I wanna pave a way. I may not think that I will be a big catalysator for the change, but I will definitely be here when it comes and I will be a part of it." http://www.gp.se/n%C3%B6je/musik/lana-del-rey-mitt-i-ljuset-jag-vill-bana-v%C3%A4g-1.4524621
  21. You made me think of this scene, lol, thank you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-g_mWXCJRP8 Hey, don't be mad, I know you really want it but we don't really know where you can get it. I was only joking, hope I didn't upset you.
  22. Obligatory tweet: https://twitter.com/LanaDelRey/status/896325995455762432
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