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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. Yeah, but seriously... I don't even bother listening to the official remixes because they suck. so. hard. I prefer @@butterflies' remixes all day over those. I've been disappointed by every one of the official ones.Can we, like, create a name list for people to sign and then give it to Polydor? Like "please listen to this guy" or "let him do all the Lana remixes for all eternity"?
  2. Let her drink water (or coffee or whatever she prefers) while on stage, turn on a big fan for a few songs to give effect... and she lives in California, it's not like she can't handle the heat. Some fans faint after queuing for 12+ hours, so I think Lana should be very fit for standing on a stage for more than one hour. Like GinFizz said, she's not exactly doing to most advanced dance steps anyways. I think she should be able to stay on stage longer...
  3. Honestly, if she goes on a tour next year, I'm hoping for more than 16 songs. I know, I know, it's a lot but 13-14 songs feels too little and standing on stage for just one hour feels too short too. Especially if the tickets are pricey. But I guess they can't go on forever in case 1) fans start to faint because of all the pushing at the front and 2) too long shows might tire her vocal chords (folds?) if she's doing them night after night. Lana, please practice your singing a lot before this tour and be prepared to sing a lot.
  4. WORD. Lana, ditch the high note for Born To Die and warm up properly before going on stage. Truer words have never been heard before.
  5. Someone update me, but I thought autotune was this? What are y'all talking about?
  6. But she did talk about the setlist on one of her InstaLive's and answered "change the setlist? Yeah, I guess we could do that." or something something, she didn't sound completely off of that idea. Maybe she's changing it a bit for the upcoming world tour?Hopefully the concerts on the tour will be longer.
  7. I quoted it and tagged Lana. And yes, tag everyone that's around her! Stella, Anna, Ashley, Alex, Blake, Thomas... spam them and maybe they'll tell Lana about it in case she doesn't see it! Edit: I went ahead and tagged Thomas and Blake in a subtweet as well.
  8. It'll be a month since she first mentioned the music video in 6 days.
  9. I don't listen to the album daily, but I would say weekly.
  10. Lana just shared a selfie with Marina right now~
  11. A picture of the dress (it's a great shot!) : https://instagram.com/p/BX_cJ_LDhnH/ Another one: https://instagram.com/p/BX_cl92FaLl/ Makeup and face (omg she really is Cleopatra!) : https://instagram.com/p/BX_clB8huQv/
  12. Are there any pictures of her outfit yet? Another white dress? I read she had makeup like Cleopatra?? I gotta go through Instagram!!
  13. How do we know this? I mean, she's barely in the studio at the moment so I don't think they're working on it at all? Unless you mean old songs she already has recorded and might use for her next album. =/
  14. Maybe I could make my brother's fiancée visit her family there while I'm at the concert. Gosh I feel so bad for even thinking that! I shouldn't use her for something like that...
  15. I knew it was a soccer game on the radio, they talked so fast lol.
  16. True, in one of her interviews she was asked about a world tour (was it for that iTunes radio channel?) and she said nothing was planned yet. She could obviously have said that to keep it a secret longer, but I didn't get that feeling. Especially since she wanted someone to tour with.
  17. Hopefully she'll have a three legged tour - North and South America plus Europe.
  18. Now waaaiiit a minute, she sounds perfect in Pretty When You Cry. That's why I forgive her for repeating the words in the chorus - I can literally feel her pain.But I do agree with White Mustang, it's the main reason why I don't like the song so much. It must mean a lot to her *cough*G-easy*cough* but it doesn't work on me. =/ Although the instrumentals for WM is great. Same with the chorus for Guns & Roses, but it sounds so like being in a dream world so I still think it's ok. But you made me think of her unreleased tracks... was she very repetitive in them too? "Ooh ooh baby" is stuck in my mind at the moment so I can't really get any other to compare with... xD Can you think of any unreleased song where she used the same words all over? Maybe they were more pop than her songs are today and used more words, I dunno.
  19. I guess it'll start this winter as earliest, but I hope she'll come to Sweden at least late spring so I still have a chance to queue outdoors without freezing my butt off for a good GA spot. Although I really hope she comes during (next) summer or early fall so you don't have to bother about school stuff so much, but it feels unlikely to sell tickets so early in advance.
  20. I hope she'll come to you! Guys, I really want to see her again but I'm actually a bit scared too. Since Lana is so much Americana and a successful woman, I can't help but imagining that something alike Manchester will happen... did we ever got to know who was behind it or their motifs? I wasn't scared in London and probably won't be if I get tickets to this tour... but still.
  21. I WASN'T A BIG FAN BACK THEN AND DIDN'T KNOW SHE HAD A SHOW And I wanted to go to Bråvalla (one of my uncles lives nearby) but I knew that mom wouldn't let me go alone there and none of my friends are fans either so I didn't bother to ask them and MY BESTIE TOLD ME SHE WAS GOING THE SAME WEEK AS LANA'S SHOW WITH ONE OF HER FRIENDS AND I WAS LIKE HDVFHHRBSVAGICKFN WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SO EARLIER SO COULD'VE BOUGHT A TICKET TOO??? And I had exams right after Way Out West so I told myself not to go (and I was fortunate enough to see her in London instead, I'm forever thankful fangirl god if you exist). But this time...!!! I REALLY hope I can make it! I hope it'll be this winter or next spring! Preferably summer, but it might be a bit too early to sell tickets a year in advance. Sorry for all the caps lock.
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