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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. I agreeeee, I wouldn't come back here year after year if the community was trash! And back at ya, I apprecite your presence on the forums greatly too! serene queen is so bad though, I just can't understand itttt ( TT u TT )
  3. Alright I’m logging off, this was fun! Congratulations to all the winners and runner-ups, current and future ones! Thank you, Elle and Rorman, for hosting and assisting!
  4. Ooh, congrats to the big eyes award winner and runner up! lesson learned, I will not try a weak campaign in a status update for an award in the future!
  5. Hmm, I want to stay up because it a big, fun, special award night celebrating 10 years, but I should try to sleep... hmmm...
  6. Big shoutout to Niko, know that you’re super appreciated as a mod and user here too.
  7. Elle snatching all these awards, left and right...!
  8. Just echoing this, absolute sweethearts, both of them.
  9. Omg not Terrence not winning worse taste, a new era has begun!
  10. What is everyone listening to? I’m getting a lot of Lizzy vibes in here, but I’m currently streaming Dealer.
  11. Sometimes I think it’s kind of messed up that I need to be productive to feel that I’m not useless.
  12. Well, I’m already in bed feeling crap about myself since I kinda wasted my day, so here’s my red carpet look, straight from the bed.
  13. Do you buy her albums or just stream them? Both, although I stream her music much more often. If you buy them, do you buy them digitally, buy CDs, or buy vinyls? When I could get them in bundles from her webshops, I'd get a CD and vinyl. Now, I tend to go for vinyls as I know I can get the standard cover CD for much cheaper a couple of years later. Colored vinyls are more fun than black, so that's what I go for. Never bought a cassette tape, there's an old walkman at home but no one uses it anymore - I'd most likely stream the album instead, or bring out my old iPod. If you buy them, do you buy all of her albums or only select ones? I like to support all her album releases. if you buy them, do you buy multiple copies, like limited editions? Can't afford all variants, and I don't feel the need to own every version of an album either. I buy the one that appeals to me the most, within reason. (The only ones I got from Urban Outfitters are Ultraviolence, Honeymoon, and Norman, and they don't seem to have super exlusive stuff anymore so I'm not desperately in need of their vinyls anymore... which my wallet it grateful for, considering the shipping and taxes.) I was hesitant to buy the UV boxset (was a lot of money and I was ever tighter on my budget back then) and sadly let it go, and I haven't felt a need to own any other box set so... yeah. Colored vinyls are my thing, I guess.
  14. New interview with NME, discussing the new album, their ambitions and their future. https://www.nme.com/big-reads/inhaler-cover-interview-2023-cuts-and-bruises-3383956
  15. Yeah, I don't even have Netflix so I completely forgot that they had a show there lol. I only have it when I'm at my childhood home, using mom's account hehe I'm sure there must be fansites or fan accounts that have traslated parts of it? My brother is fluent but, like I said, he couldn't watch it all.
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