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Beautiful Loser

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Everything posted by Beautiful Loser

  1. nooooo that's awful, even though there's a sticker on the plates now : (((( I'm gonna report it and tell Ben and Ed about it, thought I doubt they'll see my message... and the account hasn't been active for over a year... Maybe it's enough to just report it.
  2. omg WHAT Why would anyone think that's something okay to do????
  3. Ok this is news to me, but I guess it kinda makes sense now when I think about it lol. I guess I haven't been much in the BB thread. That's honestly sad that they used youtube rips, I always thought they had the original/correct files saved somewhere.
  4. I've listened to leaks, but I avoid listening to tracks which are confirmed to be on the album if they're leaking, partly to be respectful, partly because I like that experience you get when you listen to an album when it releases at midnight. I had heard Architecture/Best American Record, Nectar of the Gods, Thunder and others before the album releases though because they had leaked year(s) before and I assumed she'd never release them.
  5. I opened up my email fully prepared to read that they hate my design lol So I guess that means we’ll have to wait a week longer and if we hear nothing, it’s over.
  6. I listened to I ain’t quite where I think I am last night and it sounds so 70’s and groovy, I really liked it! I think I’m gonna like this album, the singles so far have been very promising.
  7. I just hope the thief won't do something ugly with it... Just thinking what they could do if Chuck's baby is in the footage... I have a baby nephew myself, I don't even want to imagine it.
  8. Now that just feels like something even worse to do, when the artist isn't alive anymore.
  9. Question, has anyone actually spent money to buy a leaked song or snippet?
  10. They're most likely gone forever, I think. I think (hope) a bank is more secure than a laptop and phone.
  11. I don't understand where she gets the power to smile and give an explanation to why she took down the initial videos. This woman. She's so strong.
  12. Lana tells on Instagram how some motherfucker stole her laptop, camcorders and hard drives by smashing her car windows while she was away for a few minutes a couple of months ago, and asks fans to lot listen to any leaks. 200 pages of poetry and personal photos were stolen as well. Same motherfucker has access to her phone and is being a real creep. She still believes the upcoming record will be good.
  13. I'm just still in shock that people actually look up where celebrities live, go to their homes or neighborhoods and... think what?? Just leave them the f alone, I- I'm at a loss for words, it's stalker behavior and I don't understand how anyone thinks they're ok to do such things. To think this has been going on for years, with several different stalkers...! I don't even know how Lana would stop this, because a home needs to feel like a home, not a security fortress.
  14. I never get notifications when she posts something anymore. I feel sorry for her, personal photos should remain personal... all her book pages... songs she's been working on... and it's crazy that people try to break into her home, still. That's not cool at all. Didn't someone steal photos from Chuck too? I'd be paranoid all the time, I don't know how she does it.
  15. I hadn't, so I looked it up. It seems to have been a misunderstanding which escalated for years and they've recently become something like friends. She sings "Or does she mouth 'fuck you forever'?" and "would you tell me to go fuck myself" in folklore's mad woman and Betty, but those are the only examples I can think of. I'm not too familiar with her discography. Yeah I know, but still. It's a harsh word, and I've seen it on social media as well. :/
  16. I'm sure Lana had a say in the songwriting, either in lyrics or melody, or both, and worked as an collaborative songwriter together with Jack. That's just my assumption anyway. Or maybe it was more or less done and she only came to the studio to sing like Jack and Taylor suggested. I think it's good Taylor made sure the songs says "featured Lana Del Rey", compare it to The Weeknd's Prisoner where she has a whole outro... but it doesn't say "feat. Lana" on the title. I think it's only right to add which artists are featuring on your song, even if they're only singing backup vocals. If she hadn't put "feat. Lana" on it, I'm pretty sure fans would've been upset for that too. She can't win.
  17. I'm not a Taylor fan but seeing people call her snake, slut, attention-seeking, manipulative, scheming etc doesn't sit well with me.
  18. Can’t lie, I’m disappointed but I only have myself to blame for wishfully hoping Lana would do more than just backup vocals. Song is pretty though, will sound beautiful on an ice cold, sunny winters day when the snow is blinding my eyes.
  19. Well, good morning, thought we’d know the winners of the first round now.
  20. Ok it’s past midnight and I better try to sleep before my stomach starts growling again, @ me if a LB babe won anything, please!
  21. No idea, it was only specified October 17th in the reply I got in my email.
  22. Winners will be announced today, rooting for all us LB babes to be one of the them!
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