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Everything posted by HEARTCORE

  1. it's not really *her* project, the song is going to be released as BetaTraxx ft. Marina and the Diamonds. beta has most of the creative control over the release, but i'm expecting marina to tweet (at least) when it is released.
  2. I really love this photo, I think it sums up what I imagine UV to be to me...but the flame looks so fake
  3. I totally agree with this, I prefer to buy CDs as opposed to downloads so it's REALLY annoying when it's impossible to get certain songs physically (im talking yo you, Burning Desire). The Target exclusives are awful too; just release a Deluxe and Standard edition that are available EVERYWHERE.
  4. but...I don't see what's wrong with that...
  5. For K Part 2. It's nice to have a song by Lana that is just 'I love you' without all the drama e.g. 'I love you but you're a druggie' 'I love you but you don't love me'. Such a sweet song.
  6. "I'll fuck a nursery rhyme' in Playground
  7. It was just a fun little Q&A. Chill, guys.
  8. for anybody confused: NO, it hasn't bene played on the radio yet BUT the radio stations DO have it. Fearne Cotton, one of Radio 1's prime DJs HAS heard it and said it was 'awesome'. This suggests that we wull likely hear it in the NEXT FEW DAYS.
  9. IDC cause she answered it!!!!! I am so happy
  10. she answered my question on tumblr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :sky:
  11. boys is a great song IMHO! the tune, the lyrics...I love it all.
  12. exactly! i can sort of understand why people hoard lana's songs, but marina is nowhere near that scale, so they just leak them already
  13. apart from parts of ain't your right, I think the whole of ntmt is near-flawless
  14. smh at the people saying that boys and 24 hours are the only good songs on night time my time
  15. Version I and Version II of Jealousy are LQ, so I was hoping that a HQ one exists somewhere. In the Sex, Yeah! demo, she put loads of 'ooooh's in the verses, but she eventually wrote lyrics for those parts. She also said she writes verses before choruses, so it's possible that LTOG works as a concept/early demo. Like China Dolls and Not That Ugly were also mentioned on her MySpace, someone definitely is HOARDING THEM AND SHOULD TOTALLY LEAK THEM NOW
  16. I agree, I'd love to get a HQ version of Bad Kidz...and Jealousy....and SIlver Walls...and The Other Foot in full...and Like The Other Girls (final)...and Not That Ugly...and Like China Dolls...
  17. My personal belief, from listening to So Legit, is that Lana and Gaga used to be friends/acquaintances, as they were both struggling musicians in the New York (I might be wrong here) scene. Gaga changed her style and got famous, which pissed Lana off and turned her into a 'Hater'. The hatred, imho, stems from Lana's jealousy. I have a feeling Lana is over it now though, I don't think she hates Gaga anymore but neither are they best friends.
  18. I loooooove her on TWD, but I had no idea that she sung professionally too! Definitely gonna check her music out.
  19. i've never had a dream about lana as such, but i often dream of her songs leaking
  20. She is so clever with her songs! I love how the figure of K is interwoven into so many of her tracks. I could easily write a whole essay on her portrayal of him.
  21. Yes, it makes sense to me! She repeats the phrase 'Pretty baby' so many times in Part 2, it only seems logical for this to be Part 1. I love how Part 1 and Part 2 parallel each other. In Part 2, she's singing about how much she loves him and adores him. But in this, she's singing about the sadder side to the love; she loves him far more then he loves her. It's so tragic when you compare the two together. Hmm...I have no idea why it was called Westbound. The other tracks were incorrectly-named after lyrics in the songs, but she doesn't say Westbound in this at all, so it's curious why it was named that....
  22. NEW PICS! girl just passed her driving test for the first time
  24. This is what I've been wondering, I really want her to release AKA re-recorded. But I think that the record company want to squeeze the AKA cash-cow as far as they can by only releasing a few AKA songs re-recorded at a time. I'm expecting Kill Kill to appear in *some* form re-recorded for this era, it only makes sense imo. If and when she releases all of AKA again, I'm going to stick it into an album by itself on iTunes anyway.
  25. I would loooove for this remake of KK to be true, but seriously? You can't believe something that an anon has said with no proof or any kind of evidence to support it. The details regarding how they got it are a bit vague; they emailed the makeup artist? How did they get the email? Why would he reveal information about the release to a random stranger? This is all far too fishy to be believable tbh. TRUST NO ONE
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