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Posts posted by HEARTCORE

  1. Thats what I was thinking!

    It's unintelligible to me because I know about 2% of the Spanish language, but I think she's definitely speaking it.


    a literal translation is 'he's crazy and columbian like I the love'

  2. I don't get why you guys are pissed at Fearne...she isn't the one who chose to release it at that time. She isn't going to say the exact time because them we'd all only tune it at that time to listen. By making it a surprise, that means you're more likely to listen to the whole show.

  3. wtf is this, I thought it was supposed to play at 10... I have somewhere to be and I might have to just leave and catch the song later if it doesn't come soon...

    The song is to play at 11AM. Fearne's show starts at 10AM, which is probably the source of all the confusion.

  4. They just said "this is Ferne Cotton" but they are just playing shit

    That means her show has started and she is probably in the studio. They usually transition from one DJ to the next by playing a constant stream of music for a while.

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