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Bloody Valentine

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Everything posted by Bloody Valentine

  1. What makes you think she broke up with her boyfriend? Don't be shy, spill it! "You thought I was a witch, centuries ago Now you just call me a bitch" Ok that made me cringe real hard.
  2. This sounds really good? I really hope this will be her redemption. I'm sick of people making fun of her and I'm sick of the L+F is bad talk. People need to forget that album ever existed.
  3. Oh but you're right, it's very true and as a huge fan of her I've been concerned about it too. Let's be honest here, it even shows on the way she'd been tweeting recently. The way she speaks too, it's like she doesn't know shit of what she's talking about. She seems to be very passionate about society and I genuinely think she does care a lot. That being said, it's true she doesn't really know how to express it correctly or at least through songwriting I guess. She ain't no activist so I won't judge her that hard tho, she's trying her best. She does better when the lyrics are close to home, and that's okay. That's why Sex Yeah will always be 100x times better and more emotionally shocking than Savages or To Be Human.
  4. Bloody Valentine

    Among Us

    You can download the app and play on your phone. It's also on PC, just download Steam on your PC and buy it there for $4.99.
  5. Bloody Valentine

    Among Us

    I agree. I've seen many young little girls give their socials to men they don't know like is nothing. They need to make separte servers by age asap.
  6. Bloody Valentine

    Among Us

    I play every night and I'm 25! There are many annoying 12 yo ngl. I like the pc version more but I wonder if the game allows crossplay.
  7. Bloody Valentine


    The best song on the album is Pretty Savage.
  8. Yes, I blame him for everything wrong with the album. Let's hope he has nothing to do with this next album.
  9. I'm getting into her music recently and wow she has so many good songs. Don't understand why she's so underrated.
  10. I agree, people still treat EH as her best album. Most fans want a EH 2.0, that's why some people dislike anything post EH. In my opinion, M5 is her last and only chance. If her next album ends up being worse than L+F (which I doubt it could be possible ), people are gonna keep hating on her and the L+F debate is gonna get even more aggressive. She already lost many fans, all that's left is hope that M5 is as good as FROOT at least.
  11. To be honest, I can't wait for her next album to be released. I just want this non ending L+F debate to stop. I want the album to slowly disappear from everyone's minds, so we can move on to a much better album/era. Knowing her, she won't have her album released after 2 or 3 more years tho.
  12. Bloody Valentine


    I don't really care for these new songs tbh.
  13. The fuck is this thread? I'm gonna be honest, most people want this to exist so badly but chances are it doesn't. It's still fun to believe they do and read about them from time to time so i won't judge anyone who does believe strongly about it. Lana is weird af but i doubt she's into the bizarre stuff like the illuminati and all the conspiracy theory shit.
  14. That could explain why she has literally zero friends apart her cats and her clean bandit boyfriend. She's the definition of a loner, all her celeb friends end up ditching her. And I say this as a huge stan of her.
  15. The drags on here omg Anyway.... she looks very healthy and beautiful, like what are people even talking about? What do people expect her to look after quarantine, we all gained a few pounds and so the fuck what?
  16. She looks great but she needs to go blonde all the way or go light warm blonde 'cause her hair looks kinda green like this.
  17. Bloody Valentine


    Step I is way better than Step II and by far. I like both tho.
  18. Her mom seems pretty introverted to me, maybe she hates been in the spotlight.
  19. She's giving Kenneth Petty a child? That disgusting waste of a human? ummm but congrats I guess, wishing the child to be safe
  20. This isn't her best but is my favorite music video of Marina ever. I love everything about it, the visuals, the colors, her beauty, the hidden satire, everything.
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