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World At War

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Everything posted by World At War

  1. i think it would've been released already if it was meant for today, so idk. maybe next week
  2. when she lfl's lasso with country rappers it's over
  3. i'm now more than sure that lasso is done and ready to go.
  4. she's in a new publishing company and working in different studios than usual, so i wonder if the regular insiders don't have the music either
  5. love the cover and the album, but after the pretendian exposé i hope lana stays clear from it
  6. she does (did?) love elon musk's ted talk. guess she's goofy herself
  7. i always cackle when listening to his interlude. imagine hearing the voice of God and all He has to say is "open the bible app" lol
  8. she kept putting her hands on her throat and i think that's what tessa di pietro told her to do "imagine white energy coming down your throat" or smth
  9. tbf not singing west coast was a deliberate choice because. it's a dance break, which is why she climbs up that balcony and let her ballet take the stage. i mean, sure, i'd love it if she sang it, but i get why she doesn't lol
  10. new song or not still a great concert. no (big) surprises, but definitely an improvement from last week and a bliss to watch
  11. definitely, the jesus imagery for the coachella billboard made it clear for me
  12. this choreo is just so funny. hope she never changes it
  13. they're singing video games at the end and taylor is ruining it by announcing the tortured poets department the revamp the re-up part 2 electric boogaloo before the encore
  14. girl if she ever needs some gaga+tony jazz tour type of shit she has just the right guy on him
  15. even the pole dancing was better this time oh she's mad MAD
  16. oh they did at my concert too people like it more than they stream it
  17. after arcadia she's bringing nikki on stage be ready
  18. hearing other people sing her music just makes me think of how great a songwriter she is.
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