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Everything posted by ultrablvd

  1. we're waiting for king legendsugi to hop on and give us the release time for tomorrow!
  2. ultraviolence>honeymoon>blue banisters>paradise>born to die>lust for life>chemtrails>nfr hoping this album slots in between honeymoon and blue banisters
  3. exactly when she posts the trailer and tour dates on the instagram with talk show and interview announcements
  4. as sick as i am of her and her teams silence it's (sadly) what we have come to expect with her. i dont want to act entitled and call her lazy, mainly because this girl has churned out 10 albums in 10 years, but it's a kick in the teeth to be as silent as shes being tbh especially with the release date change
  5. thinking about the carnage that will occur once she posts something on that account
  6. i could post anything fake insiderish and you would all eat it up like - 'track 8 ' 'you guys are gonna die at the intro' 'taco truck is gonna be a fan favourite' 'fans of paradise and honeymoon will be pleased with some of the production' 'shes coming soon soon, just you guys wait' like give it UP
  7. i actually giggled at this one OT discussion: how has the ig account reached 150k in a few hours her power is literally UNMATCHED omg...
  8. idk why yalls asking that fake insider specific questions theres a reason they only make broad sweeping statements about info that we already know or could easily happen (lfl, dw, etc style)
  9. when lana announces her tour on the new ig and it becomes another taylor ticketmaster situation and none of us get tickets over the tiktok stans what then
  10. i love how we can always rely on our bestie hotshot2am for detail clarifying facts
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