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Everything posted by ultrablvd

  1. ive grown to enjoy lfl over the years and do still really enjoy some of the songs so the album process has always intrigued me given the amount of changes and switches she made in the making. still urgently need a full valley of the dolls hq/rework though
  2. ultrablvd

    Katy Perry

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY ONE OF THE BOYS the first album i ever owned and one of my favourite albums of all time a masterpiece!!
  3. this is so darksided bc theres a 99.9% chance it’s not happening
  4. ultrablvd

    Katy Perry

    one of the boys 15th anniversary edition PLEASE
  5. inch er esting me having them all but wanting other copies so i don’t feel bad about playing them
  6. maybe if zodiac leaks then the tropico mystery will be revealed? @fl0r1dakil0s care to comment?
  7. whilst i love the tropico concept i'm glad we ended up with the album we did (uv) as it is my all time favourite album and means so much to me love reading about the tropico process though!!
  8. its just slightly wider, its more common than you think i honestly dont mind that its not a gatefold, i rarely open the gatefold to get the records out anyway (i keep them in plastic sleeves)
  9. think by the third of march, i was cracked open finally the ground was cold, they wouldn't open brought by the sunlight of the spirit to pour into rain there's a name for it in japanese, it's kintsugi
  10. otherwise try and get a cheap one way ticket back on trainline or something you will need to leave 30 mins atleast to get out of hyde park and walk to victoria coach station so unless you wanna leave super early...
  11. try contacting their customer service, they might be feeling nice (i did it once and it worked if youre suppppppeeeerrr nice)
  12. the way the heart lfl got repressed earlier this year for the popup too omg
  13. honestly i dont believe anything merch related unless hot shot finds it lmao i dont trust random twitter users bc usually their 'source' is a random person online or a random stock notification on an obscure website
  14. they’re now gonna say: guys they saw my tweets and found out that we know ahead of time. because of this they’re cancelling the release to pretend like they know sumn and they werent making it up
  15. i really doubt ldrcrave has any insider information about the coke necklace tbh theyre probs making shit up for engagement
  16. the day i get it is the day i will shutup
  17. we want zodiac too lets not forget about her
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