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Everything posted by ultrablvd

  1. me trying to remember the name of the social media video app anyways watercolour eyes song of the decade incoming
  2. im not surprised that she probably wont do anything but am of course very disappointed... 10 years is quite the milestone considering how iconic born to die is viewed as already, and how defining it was for so many people. she'll probably just post nothing then two weeks later post a random story of someone harassing her dms onto the next one ladies
  3. every time you build up even a tiny bit of credibility for yourself each era, you just start insulting people when they cast a shadow of doubt (for good reason) over you... as you put it, 'grow up' anyways whos excited for a new lana song! whatever it sounds like we WILL be streaming
  4. imagine the song in the episode is a 15 second instrumental low volume snippet on top of two people talking unmanifesting
  5. how many pre releases is it going to take for people to stop believing fake insiders please unless it’s boz or eclipse it’s fake anyways LDR9 trap pop classic
  6. havent been on lb since the bb release HI! soooo... born to dies 10th anniversary? ldr9? any new nikki lane threats? whats new
  7. 1. Text Book 16 2. Blue Banisters 18 (+) 3. Arcadia 1 (-) 5. Black Bathing Suit 26 6. If You Lie Down With Me 22 8. Violets for Roses 14 9. Dealer 22 10. Thunder 19 11. Wildflower Wildfire 21 12. Nectar of the Gods 13 13. Living Legend 21 14. Cherry Blossom 17 15. Sweet Carolina 15
  8. 1. Text Book 17 2. Blue Banisters 17 3. Arcadia 3 (-) 5. Black Bathing Suit 26 6. If You Lie Down With Me 22 8. Violets for Roses 14 9. Dealer 22 10. Thunder 18 11. Wildflower Wildfire 21 12. Nectar of the Gods 13 13. Living Legend 21 (+) 14. Cherry Blossom 16 15. Sweet Carolina 15
  9. haven't read this thread since the album released and it astounds me how much more i enjoyed the album without people trying to make my opinion up for me.... if you're seriously that concerned with sales idk go join lanas team or sumn just listen to and enjoy the album
  10. oh my god the bb video is so cute she said fvck you clay
  11. realising the moment this thread went downhill was the moment people started believing l*********e was an insider
  12. nearly 100 pages in a day and absolutely nothing to show for it
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