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Everything posted by ultrablvd

  1. i'm just holding out for either an unreleased kinda thing or a paradise-esque album/ep and justice for roses bloom for you
  2. hun you cant get receipts for an opinion
  3. babe you spelt honeymoon wrong xx
  4. ok yeah i like the whole cherry thing but i went to the london show and i just wasn't vibing them also another unpopular opinion - i thought glittergate2017 was the funniest thing ever
  5. i hate the fact she has alexandria and ashley (her lil dancers) on stage with her. in my opinion they add nothing to the show and just get in the way
  6. currently using it under a table leg to stop it wobbling, it's not even good at doing that
  7. i love how that will be the actual price
  8. i would want hollywood, serial killer and is it wrong
  9. doesn't lana have a trademark for cosmetics/perfume?
  10. she also sung the high notes in summer bummer for like 5 mins it was gorgeous feel blessed to hear mtwbt irl though ngl
  11. look, i went to the concert and let me just say... i queued for a while and we were by the stage fire exit, we could hear her souncheck and we heard her sing Lolita, Gods and Monsters, Music to Watch Boys to and some others. im kinda mad she didnt do an encore of those songs tbh
  12. the topman in my town where i usually get my nmes from only has a jz cover one. is it still the lana one im so confused
  13. after today no more "when is the album out in nz/my timezone" posts
  14. i dont think im prepared for the show. if marina, abel or stevie are there im gonna be wetter than she was in the blue jeans video
  15. yes pls baby edit: nvm its based on the country youre in atm
  16. i hope it doesnt leak - hate me if you will x
  17. applications are open x £30 application fee x
  18. literally 3 of us (and my mum might go) so thats like £200 im shook and im buying merch if there is any idec im splashing the cash
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