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Everything posted by heroindealer

  1. Exactly this! She’s literally looking better and healthier than ever and somehow people fail to see it and also GAWD her leg is legging in this dress, absolutely stunning, especially on that video she looks so incredible
  2. any Dark City masterfile?
  3. his entire sao paulo show is on youtube and for the timestamps of the songs I go to the comments cus there’s always sumn there
  4. plus this 🫰🏼💥🫰🏼💥 people who tend to work out or are on antidepressants or any antipsychotics, or even both, would get it but yh lana ain’t no ozempic girl and nothing apart from simple weight loss suggests it
  5. she looks amazing new york always brings out this other effortless smart-casual look of her also yall tf, y’all know if someone takes antidepressants their weight can fluctuate drastically throughout years one year you can be highkey thick and healthy looking, and the very next ur bones would be sticking out like you been bashing ozempic for breakfast, lunch and dinner so let’s chill with the buzzword accusations a bit
  6. duing the visuals are insane
  7. I was doing my work and I couldn’t listen OMG waiting for a recording but DAYM that means he’s dropping so so soon
  8. wait- the tracklist is out there???
  9. ok officially ahitting myself over the cover, might my fav his best record incoming if it has another Heartless
  10. ughm THE ALBUM COVER HELLO?????
  11. Desperately need: Chemtrails intro+violins & ending vocals demos Love orchestral demo Yosemite ‘happier’ demo Ocean Blvd demo Cherry early no backing vocals demo Heroin demo and Ridin’ offical to-be-released version
  12. a 10yo tape no.2 debut is outstanding to say the least, and with all the deluxes and desperation for no.1 is just greedy and aiming for beyond of what’s deserved let a new singer have that no.1 this time fgs
  13. someone pls request them to bring the LFL windbreaker back [i didn’t receive the email ]
  14. help why is it red? im mf sick of her red vinyls
  15. lasso renamed to ‘Invitation’ and features nikki lane on the title track, the cover leaked on google
  16. just got an email that mine’s got delayed
  17. I got an update on my Tough vinyl
  18. it’s been over 2 months since the ‘past present future’ song emerged
  19. the US what can I say.. I’m a fan
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