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Future Jazz

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Everything posted by Future Jazz

  1. Sure, I hope that Heroin is one of the songs that carry a strong message, the length of the song and its title make me think that it could become one of her lyrical masterpieces ❤️and the title is great
  2. The song from 1974 has a production that is a little too cheerful for Lana. Without being cheap, it has some 70's elements that haven't aged very well, and I can't picture her singing to it - plus, in my opinion, the melody of this song is quite weak. However, I like the positive / non-pretentious vibe of the song, and the fact that Lana made a reference to it is cute too
  3. Hey guys! I'm new here, but I've been reading this thread for a while; its funniness has helped me waiting for this record for such a long time. Even though I'm a fan since 2011, this is the first era I'm really involved in, and I found it cool to join the forum and get to talk with other stans from the whole world ❤️ (also, I wanted to translate the French interview but my account couldn't work until yesterday) By the way, I was wondering; when Lana refers to the two tracks that were composed before the Honeymoon release, don't you think that Lust For Life could not be included in these two songs? I mean, since she worked on it for one year and a half, she could have meant that she had two songs done before Honeymoon was released - which makes sense because Beautiful People is on the album and it was registered, and probably finished, in August 2015 at the same time as Wild One. I keep hoping for a Deluxe with Wild One and Yosemite, she made me so thirsty for that song after all these descriptions
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