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Future Jazz

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  1. ivory almond liked a post in a topic by Future Jazz in December 2023 Leakfest Wishlist   
    what a leakfest indeed 
  2. ivory almond liked a post in a topic by Future Jazz in December 2023 Leakfest Wishlist   
    well... some people were kind enough to give us countless titles and countless snippets this year and the years before, so we know of at least 20 actual songs that are circulating and some people implied we were going to get things this Christmas so... in light of this, most of us would be lying if we said laptop demos do the trick and i think most of us would take one song from the uv / honeymoon era over 20 laptop demos
  3. ivory almond liked a post in a topic by Future Jazz in December 2023 Leakfest Wishlist   
    the number of daily posts with [LEAK] and then the name of a song the delusion and the amount of free time that we have...
  4. ivory almond liked a post in a topic by Future Jazz in December 2023 Leakfest Wishlist   
    oh my god we have wasted so much time and got literally nothing 
  5. ivory almond liked a post in a topic by Future Jazz in December 2023 Leakfest Wishlist   
    i don’t think this factor really plays in… maybe it does for songs like zodiac which objectively do have a higher chance of being released than others, but the whole thing about california being liked didn’t keep people from leaking come with me, poetry in motion, cry kill die, ave maria, pink champagne, what’s a girl to do, all of which were full-fledged songs. we’ve actually gotten more this year than in 2021 and 2022
    there have been more copyright strikes for songs that had leaked and were then posted on youtube, but when it comes to leaking songs in the first place, i think the only factor that plays in is usual leaker politics (liking to tease, but wanting to keep their exclusive stuff etc)
  6. ivory almond liked a post in a topic by Future Jazz in December 2023 Leakfest Wishlist   
    both florida kilos (who shared lyrics i think?) and 111 (who said this is the one) hinted at paradise 2015 leaking so there’s hope that it will
  7. ivory almond liked a post in a topic by Future Jazz in December 2023 Leakfest Wishlist   
    apparently (according to BoZ i think) it’s a song Lana likes a lot so maybe she was going to reuse it at some point but you know how it goes… this has yet to be confirmed, we also don’t know if florida kilos was contacted by anyone and we don’t know it this song was really more likely to be reused than any other unreleased song 
  8. ivory almond liked a post in a topic by Future Jazz in December 2023 Leakfest Wishlist   
    what a flop 
  9. ivory almond liked a post in a topic by Future Jazz in December 2023 Leakfest Wishlist   
    not to be that person but that’s what happens when we collectively hype up laptop demos and call it a leakfest when a tagged snippet of roll with me (concept demo) (mix 64) leaks for christmas  
  10. ivory almond liked a post in a topic by Future Jazz in December 2023 Leakfest Wishlist   
    the fact that this thread contains the words christmas leakfest 
  11. ivory almond liked a post in a topic by Future Jazz in December 2023 Leakfest Wishlist   
    i mean it has been 365 days so it doesn’t seem unreasonable to get actual songs 
  12. stupidapartmentcomplex liked a post in a topic by Future Jazz in December 2023 Leakfest Wishlist   
    the one thing it has been so far is a delusionfest or a bottom of the barrel fest maybe 
  13. ivory almond liked a post in a topic by Future Jazz in December 2023 Leakfest Wishlist   
    what do you think
  14. ivory almond liked a post in a topic by Future Jazz in December 2023 Leakfest Wishlist   
    that one time we actually got a new song in the end so i'd say it was a win, more than whatever is going on this christmas
  15. ivory almond liked a post in a topic by Future Jazz in December 2023 Leakfest Wishlist   
    having the few people who have unleaked material hint at having it and dangle it over our heads is only funny when we do get some stuff... however when we don't get anything it's just kinda weird for them to spend that much time on a website full of people who wish to have what they have but won't share   and saying they like a certain song more than another one... how interesting if we aren't going to be able to hear any of them, really
  16. ivory almond liked a post in a topic by Future Jazz in December 2023 Leakfest Wishlist   
    sharing song lyrics without sharing the song when you know we’re dying for a song, being that we were teased so many and we were also said we’d get leaks for christmas 
  17. ivory almond liked a post in a topic by Future Jazz in December 2023 Leakfest Wishlist   
    hello there how's your day
    could it be that the course of events (fans being teased stuff and not getting it) is just the same over the years
  18. ivory almond liked a post in a topic by Future Jazz in December 2023 Leakfest Wishlist   
    the fact that some people chose not only to leak nothing, but also spent hours on lb trying to come for insiders for supposedly leaking less, teasing song lyrics, or saying shit like “this is the one”  
  19. ivory almond liked a post in a topic by Future Jazz in December 2023 Leakfest Wishlist   
    and we will be playing these on repeat
  20. jimmorison liked a post in a topic by Future Jazz in December 2023 Leakfest Wishlist   
    the problem isn't people hoarding songs per se, i personally get wanting to keep your unleaked stuff to yourself in order to trade it for more unleaked stuff, i have no problem with that. what i don't get is playing with us if you're not going to give us anything. and you may say that most snippets that leak aren't leaked by people who have the full song, but on Christmas this year, the three people on here who have unleaked material have teased lyrics, hinted at one song being better than another, said that stuff we wanted was coming, and when you and the others are doing that without leaking anything noteworthy (and, sorry to break it to you, but to almost all of us, old og files aren't), don't act like we should be grateful. my point is: people have every right to hoard things, but as soon as they spend time on this forum hinting at unleaked material or implying that it's going to leak, other people also have every right to be disappointed and to voice it out, as long as they don't call other people stupid like you do.
    as i said several times, 2023 has been a good year and i'm very happy with it, christmas on the other hand...  but life goes on!
  21. stupidapartmentcomplex liked a post in a topic by Future Jazz in December 2023 Leakfest Wishlist   
    “my god you can never satisfy SOME people here” because we got a few og files from the person who edited them in the first place… is there anything to be satisfied with 
  22. Future Jazz liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in 2023 Unreleased Wrap-Up Megapost   
    they want us to think elvis was likely never reworked  just like ave maria was just an instrumental that she never did vocals for 
  23. Future Jazz liked a post in a topic by Embach in LDR10 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    The most painful pre-release era ever. I have war flashbacks thinking of it. It was worse than Lana's 2020 era, sorry not sorry.
  24. Dangerous Girl liked a post in a topic by Future Jazz in December 2023 Leakfest Wishlist   
    i hope we can get those fully produced late lizzy era outtakes one day
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