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Everything posted by IanadeIrey

  1. I did! My status was updated today to say it’s supposed to be delivered tomorrow! It just shipped today, and I was surprised at how fast the estimated time of arrival was, so we’ll see if it gets here by tomorrow!
  2. Ugh, yes! I firmly believe it’s rooted in misogyny, even though in the past I know Lana has said she believes it’s not, noting that women have discredited her too, but I think those women also have internalized misogyny. I have never seen a male artist’s authenticity questioned. Period. People get too wrapped up in the looks of things and never want to look any further than what strikes them instinctually. And sometimes that comes in handy in situations of danger, but in this case it does not. I am beyond happy that Chemtrails is being met with positive reviews, but it’s so easy to see through them. They love her, and then they hate her/hate on previous endeavours of her. Luckily she sees through it all, though!
  3. I know, right? As she should be! I would be too! imagine being in the game for 10+ years, putting your life and love out there more vulnerably than what is considered socially acceptable in the music industry, being ridiculed for it for 7 years, and then finally be respected for your work only to later have it discredited as a mere “costume”. I feel like reviewers say tactless s*** like this all the time in efforts to sound intelligent or to have what they would consider a “thought-provoking opinion” when in reality it reads as pretentious and rude. ;(
  4. Is anyone else slightly put-off by the nature of these reviews? Like yes, it’s amazing that Chemtrails is meeting such critical acclaim, but I really dislike how all these major publications feel the need to discredit her past albums in order to make the case for this one. Good journalism doesn’t need to bash something else in order to make the argument for whatever it is that is being written about. Appreciating Lana’s growth is one thing, but dismissing past albums as “confused” seems like a cop-out.
  5. Love the sound of that bestie! I will be wearing my Yosemite shirt (yes, I ordered the same one Lana had on in the promo pics for this record ), and I will just spend the day getting ready for this album by being one with myself in nature! I love the idea of wearing certain clothes or doing little acts that are in line with the feel of this record as we approach its release. Just feels like a nice good luck ritual! <3
  6. I thought so too! I got them all, but I’m probably most excited for the gray one! There’s something smoky, smooth, but also warm about it that really matches the cover art and overall feel this record is shaping up to have.
  7. Colourized version of the new picture if anyone wants it! And an album cover edit as well, just for fun:
  8. I would assume that the album is coming in 29 hours (for North Americans at least), right? From my experience, albums are released at 12 AM on Friday EST / 9 PM on Thursday PST! I wouldn’t think it to be any different for Chemtrails!
  9. Justice for @Poor Stacy! They have never been anything but respectful, kind, good-intentioned and they acted quickly to rectify a mistake that was unbeknownst to them
  10. Maybe the album was made private on iTunes for a minute because they’re updating credits? We obviously have known since October that Nikki Lane is on BUS but there was no “(feat. Nikki Lane)” in the title of the song on iTunes - much like how For Free had no featurings listed at first until it was updated to include Zella and Weyes! Everything you say is just so true! <3
  11. Oh wow the gatefold. The record sleeve with that sepia-toned monotone shot of them all the vinyl! That’s gorgeous! <3 thank you so much for sharing! I cannot wait to receive this one now!
  12. Both are absolutely beautiful! The dark green is so rich and it totally matches the naturalistic feel of the artwork but I ultimately went with the cream vinyl since it reminded me of the linen paper she typewrote the poems on for the book. I liked that synergy between the pages of the book and the colour of the vinyl, them both being mediums from which the words breathed!
  13. Your local Sunrise Records should be getting some in! I called mine and read them the item number (602435534039) and they reserved one for me! Because of the pandemic and their supplier being from the UK, though, I was told that they’re likely not going to get it until the end of March. Hopefully that helps!
  14. The way I know for a fact that “no, lana had blue almond 1,46 inch nails at the time” came from me and ONLY me
  15. I actually think Lana just put an Instagram filter on the back cover picture when she posted it to IG and Twitter LOL! I believe it was the “Slumber” filter - I figured from the start that both the front and back covers would be grayscale so it’s nice to know that that is the case!
  16. I have yet to see the poster, so I’m still hopeful it’ll be nice, but yeah! A poster of Lana herself would be ideal
  17. @/leesrecords on Instagram has posted to their stories a boomerang of the Target vinyl - it does seem that the record’s back cover is the same as the standard back cover and it is not a gatefold: https://instagram.com/stories/leesrecords/2530266411240370620?igshid=qjim80g35idl
  18. Just below! I don’t know if it’s the full thing, but it’s what I read before I wrote my post that you quoted!
  19. I have the NFR UO vinyl and I think the back cover and front cover are perfect together, but yeah, I totally thought the label in the centre of the pink vinyl would be a different picture lol! Since it was just the standard cover in the centre, they totally could have put the UO cover instead and it would have been perfect! I still absolutely love it though. A little thing, nonetheless, but I’m into the details for sure. I love the Neil cover so much and I feel like that cover really represents the contemplative nature of the album (based on the two singles I’ve heard and what I’ve seen people say online) but I totally thought the back cover would be another Neil pic lol! Guess we’ll find out soon! Exactly, queen! Thanks for your insight <3
  20. Tbh I’m not sure if all that is true - first of all, it came from Twitter with no evidence, and second, all of her alternative vinyls have had a different cover design altogether from the standard editions. The NFR UO cover was completely different, as were the UV and HM ones!
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