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Everything posted by LanaFlowers

  1. I'm getting very sick of the tackiness, it seems a bit overdone at this point, but like whatever at least her [CONTENT WARNING] face looks good.
  2. "I love promoting other people's music, it's great that I have all this free time to do it now that I'm not promoting mine uwu"
  3. Imagine caring this much about a stranger's voice but oh wait
  4. Idk if it is because I like women, but I love her body at every size I've seen it tbh. Her legs are to die for as always. And I still consider her to be thin.
  5. That's what I meant about constant touch ups. If you only need 0.5ml, the sensible thing to do would be to get 0.5ml. You're obviously going to have to go back a lot more often, but that's how you'll get the best results. Not by getting 2ml and spending weeks looking like a clown until they start fading. So many girls pump their lips full of filler in hopes that their trout pout will last longer, and they'll manage to save money that way. And some are of the mindset that thin = bad / big = good, no ifs & buts about it. They genuinely do not care about shape, details, etc. This also applies to botox and facelifts. Some people think that as long as their skin is smooth and wrinkle-free, they look amazing, even if they look like party city halloween masks.
  6. The fetishization of youth is honestly exhausting and super harmful. She doesn't have to look 18 forever. Both her parents have aged gracefully (I doubt they've had work done). Her mother is gorgeous and she's in her 50s. I'm not saying she needs to devote her life to the pursuit of eternal youth. Growing old is natural and beautiful. I just want her to end up looking like her mother and grandmother, instead of Jocelyn Wildenstein.
  7. But all the men worth meeting are recovering alcoholics
  8. That's what broke bitches do. Not Lana, not someone with her money. The whole "designed to fade out" thing just isn't done anymore*, not by great surgeons at the top of their game. It's a pretty outdated concept that has only remained popular with people on a tight budget, who might not be able to get subtle work done and constant touch ups. Broke people, and people loyal to bad surgeons. I understand that comparing her current face to her 2014 face might be unfair. But comparing today's face to yesterday's isn't. I forget what event it was, but I remember her posting a STUNNING bare-faced selfie a day before, and then showing up looking like her face was about to burst. *it does still apply to eyebrows though
  9. Not everyone ends up looking botched. I don't see why we should have expected this when she started off looking good and continued looking good for years. Also, you can keep ignoring the patterns you want to ignore, but that doesn't change them. We've seen her face looking normal several times, the Steven Klein clip she posted on ig being the most recent example. Every single time, she goes back to that tragic beach ball look. So she either falls into the category of celebs who think their face looks best twice its size, or she's dealing with something that can't be easily fixed. But it's more fun to pretend we don't understand that!
  10. Money has very little to do with it. Look at Kris Jenner vs Khloe, who is starting to look older than her. Compare Kourtney and Kylie. There's Madonna and Donatella, but there's also JLo and Paris Hilton. If you do the right things, go to the right people, and if YOU are the right person (if you're reasonable, clear-headed and responsible) you won't end up looking deformed.
  11. $365 for a dress that looks like it's spend a decade in the back of some thrift store i can't
  12. i hope they one day catch the criminal ruining her face
  13. Accion's predecessor <333
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