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Liz Taylor Blues

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Posts posted by Liz Taylor Blues

  1. If taylor never quits this aesthetic, I am content with that. I am living for this.

    I want to move to a cabin in the forest and just write poetry

    Dorothea is an American Classic and Standard

  2. 22 minutes ago, TrashMagiq said:

    I can already see it. Jimmy announces her name, the lights dim, a spotlight shining on the middle of the stage. She walks towards it, appearing from darkness. Her hair is done up. Lime green on her eyes, she's standing there in her target gown. It's quiet for a total of 5 seconds. An orchestra starts playing..



    Sylvia.....I know why you stuck your head in the oven. The New York Post was talking shit, and twinks were cancelling you on twitter. Sylvia......

  3. 17 hours ago, RormanNockwell said:

    So I got to thinking that I thought -

    Imagine if you were making a TV series loosely based on Lala's life: The Singer [Working Title]. IMO, she's a pretty good subject because her story provides plenty of true, unhinged material, and she's enigmatic enough that you can also fill in the blanks with fun stuff.

    So with this in mind: who would you cast, what stories would you tell, etc?

    I'd cast Kristen Stewart as Chunk because she's boring enough to make that work, and Courtney Love as herself because nobody else is crackheaded enough to play Courtney but Courtney.


    Maybe Gwyneth Paltrow as Patty because she seems pretty insufferable (not that we have any evidence that Patty is insufferable, but I feel like she'd be the "villian" of the series because Lala doesn't get along with her)

    Gerald can play himself because he's hot despite being extremely sleazy, and I'd want him on the set just for entertainment

    Ooh Christian Bale as Ben because they're both angry and British

    I also want Keanu Reeves; I don't even know who he'd play but I want him there so I'd just make up a role for him


    let Courtney play Patty

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