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Everything posted by TrashMagiq

  1. i'm assuming we're doing closing tracks from the standard versions Get Free hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it Yayo (out of all the songs in this list I like Yayo the most but the first 2 songs I listed are better as a closing track imo) The Other Woman This Is What Makes Us Girls Bel Air Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood (It's a great song to wrap up the story that's going on in Honeymoon but compared to the other songs off of Honeymoon it's kinda meh)
  2. TrashMagiq

    Charli XCX

    Could ‘Thoughts’ be CTMP? Much to think about..
  3. TrashMagiq

    Charli XCX

    sjdjfjs globelamp trying to drag me and then blocking me on twitter cause i tweeted how embarrasing her obsession with charli is, she truly is a clown
  4. how are y’all rating songs already when all you’ve heard are shitty recordings.. anyways, California 10/10
  5. Ariana's fans managed to hide a video leak for months, but the lana stans can't keep their mouth shut about the leaks. Constantly begging for links, posting all about it on twitter, just generally putting a lot of attention on the leak. Like, damn..
  6. idk how that person got their casette early but i blame her team cause they cant do anything right
  7. I kept manifestint August 16th cause I knew deep inside that that’s the last date she could drop this album without the release being a mess.
  8. TrashMagiq

    Charli XCX

    when you're not around when you're not around
  9. This ain't the lfl post discussion thread but y'all are getting way out of hand calling LFL her Britney Jean or MDNA. LFL isn't as good as her other albums, but it still served up some gorgeous songs. The problem lies in the lack of cohesiveness and questionable production choices on some of the songs (not all). LFL is a cute album. It served up some iconic songs like Heroin, Cherry, Get Free, 13 Beaches, etc. It is not her "Britney Jean" or "MDNA", cause those albums were just full on EDM x Pop messes.
  10. The acoustic version of Driving for Dick got released. I like this one better tbh. I can feel her emotions. She sang this with her soul.
  11. y'all are still doing the "Please DO NOT pm me a link I DO NOT want one" thing?
  12. TrashMagiq

    Charli XCX

    They fixed the cover thing on Spotify. it has the single cover now instead of the album cover, but the single cover's slightly different? I like the original better but atleast it got the single cover instead of the album cover.
  13. I think she might be saying "shoot up my veins in the arm", but I'm not sure
  14. as in you can play it? cause it's been on people's release radars since yesterday, but it's unplayable, which just adds to the mess
  15. Currently waiting on the official FIILY release cause I can't keep listening to that muffled ass LQ leak
  16. TrashMagiq

    Azealia Banks

    Now she's saying Yung Rapunxel II's dropping on 9/11..
  17. They have all the reason to drop it at midnight today, but they probs won't do it. This rollout is such a mess. The longer they wait the messier it gets. Fuck it I love you is still being recommended to me on Spotify and it's on a lot of people's release radars, this goes beyond the stans knowing about the leak. The GP's aware of the mess now too cause they're seeing the song pop up on Spotify while not being able to play it.
  18. "Douche it to keep me turned on" - Lana in 'Fuck it I love you'
  19. in LQ, yes. Her team uploaded it to youtube for a hot sec.
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