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mid july

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Everything posted by mid july

  1. would definitely make all the gays happy who copied her tattoo
  2. oh wow it even starts before the song actually drops
  3. ahh i'm in germany too, really thought something was just wrong with my spotify
  4. this is so weird a few weeks ago once upon a dream was gone and then a week later it was back up but now this week this happened 2 days ago it was just west coast and now uv too but big eyes/icf are still up for me i asked about it here but it was still up for others so i guess it's a regional thing or something since i'm in europe?
  5. damn i should've finished scream queens
  6. mid july


    oh god i-fucking-magine also, goddess turned 4 last week! and here's some other stuff about the upcoming album
  7. now onto another 300 pages of ''where is she, we need news'' right after vb drops
  8. mid july

    Lady Gaga

    always remember us this way sounds so fucking good, god i need the actual version
  9. eyy me too, it's been years since i've last seen murder house. started with coven, then asylum and now i'm halfway through with mh it's weird how there's so much stuff i never got until now while rewatching it
  10. mid july

    Ariana Grande

    breathin is now on youtube on her channel, guess it's gonna be the next single
  11. mid july


    i paused breathin to listen to this delivering the bops ariana couldn't
  12. why is this so true wow
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