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Everything posted by BethDufreneOnTheBayouByYou

  1. Thank you for articulating exactly what I want from this album
  2. That Neil pic looks so good next to the Polaroids of Lana in the DNC jacket
  3. Am I the only one who really doesn’t like these songs?
  4. I took it to mean she was talking about country music with Annie and discussing what her take on country music would entail? Also, maybe Bakersfield inspired her in some sort of way?
  5. This album is bringing me so much joy, I’m blown away I am terrible at identifying instruments but those noises at the beginning of and throughout America Has a Problem reminds me so much of Mermaid Hotel. And the synths at the end of the song, omg, Lana please text Mike Dean ASAP for studio time Alien, Cuff It, Church Girl, Plastic Off the Sofa, Virgos Groove, America, Pure/Honey are out of this world. The entire album is perfection. I’ve been a casual Beyoncé fan since self titled but this album is going to turn me into a stan.
  6. If you think about it, just in the relatively recent past eras (COCC, BB, NFR), no insider has ever revealed actual song titles or accurate detailed overall descriptions of the album. I don’t really believe any of the info that’s floating out there currently and I don’t think this album is close to coming out. I also wonder if Lana’s team puts misleading information out there (not in a malicious way) to keep the fan base guessing and on their toes because Lana does not do traditional marketing. Ben, is that you writing up fanfic on d*br**?
  7. I would love a Lana music video edited in the style Charlie has featured on his insta story. Imagine a bop where Lana is morphing into different looks, hairstyles, makeup in different settings.
  8. I wouldn’t mind this. I’ve been longing for a summer album and would actually prefer this over a winter 2022 or January / February 2023 release. I would, however, enjoy BTIG in the meantime to hold us over
  9. Right after BB, she did that hour+ Live where she mentioned doing good deeds to pay back karmic lineage and that has stuck with me ever since. I think she was talking about the proceeds of VBBOTG + BTIG going to Native lands. She was just about to speak on something personal and the stream went mute and she kept talking with no idea for a solid minute When the audio came back she said it was divine intervention and maybe she shouldn’t share what she was going to share. Anyway, I hope she reveals more about this karmic lineage of hers because it seems to be inspiring her and my interest is piqued.
  10. I love it, don’t stop. What does “shadow drop” mean?
  11. Why does this feel like a harbinger something’s brewing
  12. C'mon Rob write a caption about the amazing, hypnotic album you and Lana are cooking up
  13. Lana and Jack hard launching their relationship is getting some press (Pop Crave, The Cut, etc) so now is the perfect time to drop a single and begin LDR9 rollout, miss Lanita
  14. Didn't one of those twitter accounts tweet "new Lana before July 14"? Seeing as that is tomorrow.....looks like something is coming today
  15. Destroy ‘n Create (someone pls drop a crumb of news or make up a rumor, I’m dying for an update)
  16. What’s her @ on social ? 10 days seems incredibly long for a shoot. I’m very intrigued to eventually find out what this is for
  17. I think you’re right…on both accounts
  18. @sadhotforever I always have trouble inserting a photo. Here’s a link to the Twitter post. It looks like her but doesn’t at the same time?
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