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Hello Heaven

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Everything posted by Hello Heaven

  1. I got a tester from boots off some topless guy and to my surprise, I really liked it but I would be a bit put off buying something that gaga was 'selling'. I don't really know why.
  2. Just put a - / + where you want to next to the song (: Ride - 18 Cola - 25 Blue Velvet - 2 Gods & Monsters - 14 Bel Air - 71
  3. Off To The Races 5 National Anthem 61 Carmen 78 Million Dollar Man 45 Without You 42
  4. Kill Kill 22 Queen Of The Gas Station 21 For K Part 2 40 Jump 14 Mermaid Motel 29 Raise Me Up (Mississippi South) 11 Put Me In A Movie 19 Smarty 5 Yayo 32
  5. Hello Heaven

    In My Pants

    Little girls in my pants. ew
  6. I was interested in getting the pink trousers but I never really got round to it and skinny jeans are always too baggy on me anyway because my legs are long but thin
  7. Woah. I killed Brite Lites? I feel sick. Kill Kill 22 Queen Of The Gas Station 21 For K Part 2 40 Jump 15 Mermaid Motel 27 Raise Me Up (Mississippi South) 12 Brite Lites Put Me In A Movie 19 Smarty 6 Yayo 31
  8. Hello Heaven

    In My Pants

    a star for nick in my pants
  9. For K 21 Next To Me 19 A Star for Nick 16 My Momma 8 Bad Disease 52 Out With A Bang 27 Try Tonight 28 Pretty Baby 28 Find My Own Way 4 Junky Pride 20
  10. WHAT HAPPENED TO OTTR? Off To The Races 4 National Anthem 62 Carmen 77 Million Dollar Man 45 Without You 43
  11. Same here but I've been learning for 6 years and I'm currently doing my GCSE french exams. Probably because all we learn is how to buy a baguette in France.
  12. If this doesn't put you in a good mood
  13. My mum liked Video Games before I did, I didn't use to like it - I thought it was weird and trying-to-hard-to-be-hipster.
  14. I'd love to troll the neighbours by blasting that out!
  15. Haha, I do listen to some people who fucking creep me out. I guess I'm a Plague Rat then, woo.
  16. Come When You Call Me (V2), Trash Magic, Munny Hunny & For K Part 2 have to be up there in the top.
  17. Hello Heaven

    Emilie Autumn

    Does anyone else like her? I used to listen to her and then my phase kind of fizzled out but I've recently become obsessed with her, she's really talented and I love her lyrics. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ettdJS3qyDU&feature=related
  18. She looks so cute there! Bit of an odd place by the bins but she really looked like she was having a great time and that guy who was crying, he looked so happy. I need to meet her
  19. Orianthi Panagaris -feels like home! (believe album)
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