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Posts posted by LaMartine

    • taylor raising from her grave, all rotten, long buried saying that despite people acclaiming k&k's "murder" of her she's rising back from the dead
    • she fixes the scene
    • taylor decides to regain her agency and she buries herself, alone 
    • taylor embracing the money hungry and snake persona people accused her of being 
    • 1 dollar bill, representing her groping sexual assault trial
    • taylor sitting alone on a throne, snake jewelry, living snakes coming at her but can't harm her because she's controlling and one of them. she's unhinged enough to showcase them and in return they help her spill the tea.
    • her chair has "et tu, brute?" engraved, as in foreshadowing of her betraying all her friends
    • she stages an accident and plays the victim in front of camera's with a fk grammy award 
    • robs a streaming company
    • crucifies herself and rejects the taylor's who try so hard to be her, because she's the one true snake
    • hates being called a bitch
    • i forgot to complete the et tu brute part, taylor is overseeing a plethora of clone women in vinyl garbe symbolising how people saw her female friendships as a fake squad of supermodels/skinny it gs made for publicity. a bunch of women she controls absolutely 

    i'm not even finished, the mv is good  :gclap:  :gclap:  :gclap:  :diva:

    swish swish:  :rip:

  1. What are yall talking about? This video is SO gorgeous and well done.. If Lana had something like this you guys would be drooling over it but just bc its Miss Swift then it's suddenly terrible...... The song's chorus could've been better though, only thing i'm not liking from this era so far

     i mean she's robbing a STREAMING COMPANY OF THEIR MONEY because she's such a greedy wh*re, this is great satire i'm living for it, i loved that she went hard but for real this time


    also my gay self + taylor's legs in that red dress at the beginning 

  2. The video is great!! Makes katy's look awful tbh

    katy's video was awful, the sense of humour of a 9yo boy, a botched attempt to be meme worthy, everything was done for it to be "goofy", and even the video thumbnail was so obnoxious with the characters looking at different places ugh 



    OK I LOVED IT her videos are always so high budget and this one is amazing, i can actually get behind it i'm shook the taylors 


    i hope the album will keep up with the creepy instrumentals like the beginning of lwymmd because i loved that


    this cover is so interesting, the girl has a more interesting voice than the other guy but it's nice to know that the additional vocals can enhance the song


    nevertheless i think the critics didn't get the song and judged it wrongly, the camp moments aren't awkward per se they are made so purposefully to mirror the discomfort to the people, even among the industry, who suddenly abandoned her (this reminds me of the tongue in cheek i've been raised from the dead, from Radio which was oddly fitting because the BTD promo didn't go as expected, that taylor almost seem to quote at 0:49)


    i don't like songs that are about someone and i don't like the direct revenge theme in pop and this includes the two but taylor has the right to come against those who made her look bad after all, she was never the horrible person they made her look like altho i wish she could just do her thing but i know there's this current cycle of events that mostly public women face of being 'criticised unfairly-to coming back to people's graces with others congratulating themselves for accepting taylor again-and people falling out of love once more because they always knew she was a snake deep down' :facepalm: people  :eyeroll2:

    i'm only disappointed that pettiness and moral superiority seem to be a recurring theme of taylor's, even if it's a bit unfair to judge her. i'm afraid labels stick that's why i don't like songs that are a blatant response to negativity  


     yes i prefer lana's red dress trope  :yesnod:  

  5. what really worries me here is that whether lana was not going to go through this project we would probably never know, i feel that if she ever actually decided to drop that idea she won't tell us and i'll be stick in limbo forever hoping for this to happen because man i really want this to happen 


    yes it could be some cool limited edition for collectionneurs, i just really want to have my official released tracks and i think she would sell well in japan and europe where she has many fans willing to pay but most of them aren't hardcore enough to know her unreleased stuff. i just ideally think they deserve recognition and to become "legitimate". leaked songs are like b***ards that don't get their own mv, radio appearance, and rightful spotlight 


    the general consensus here seems to steer towards either releasing them as they are/remastered at most or with a newer production ft her latest beats; ok the latter aren't my faves either but i'd take a new production tbh. the songs would be easier to remix thus to commercialize and i can still take my previous orphaned leaked songs and add them to the right album if i'm not happy with them 


    we've seen lana taking calls for honeymoon (no matter how short it was) and willing to call her fans, to be closer so she could release this album digitally and sell the physical copies by pre-ordering them  


    it's very feasible but since her people might think it's not very lucrative it can easily be let down, if she releases unreleased songs we have never heard about too people could still be hyped. man i'm thinking way too much about this 


    i mean how cool it would be if she released this album and did a documentary style/home video short movie about her working process, her recording and an interview for instance you know about her progress as an artist, etc etc  


    also kool and serial killer could be dope as movie/series soundtracks i don't know if it's the case already she could make even more monnney  

  6. Since everyone is bashing I might as well vent the only song I'm disappointed in (apart from coachella obviously). I feel like I'm the only person who doesn't enjoy Heroin. Like I've listened to it a few times now and it just isn't clicking. Only the one song though so its all good, but still everyone loves it.

    i didn't feel heroin when i was streaming lfl on deezer either it took me going to a fishing trip to realise that i loved it so much, anyway i understand  :agree:

  7. she's a great songwriter. Much better than anyone in the biz(including Lana). Sorry you can't recognise greatness!

    yeah i'm sorry too, i graduated high school when i was 16 didn't have the time to really understand teen drama  :lanahairflip3:

  8. GBA would be so much better if the lyrics weren't so meek and passive in nature but i enjoy it EVEN THO IT HAS LITERALLY THE SENTENCE "GOD BLESS AMERICA" THAT SOUNDS SO MUCH BUSH FOR ME so that is pretty exceptional (i didn't need gba to be blatant 101 in yo face feminism tho but still)


    (i know it's an altogether american thing, but uh i get so many bush father/son memories)   


    I have a question, who are these Gays i'm hearing about on this forum. Are they gay men, gay people, gay TMs with a set of pre-defined archetypes that i should know about? like does it pertain to gay women too? Am I one of the Gays? Do you include BIs? Is it an umbrella? i'm an ignorant as honestly i hardly have any straight friends and none of them stan celebrities. Someone mansplain to me please 

  9. I don't think anyone could be so devious as dropping such a tasteless yo momma joke like that, i know she's shading kanye with this single but i hope she's not going to go directly looking for him on the day she's dropping the album too, because i hope by that time that she'll realise what date it is. it would be too much


    honestly while i thought 1989 had some qualities her music really is a bit overrated, i can't understand all the awards and acclaim she receives i mean her work is pretty basic it's puzzling me. also the girl can sing but i don't like her voice, in her last album there are tracks when she's speaking about her songwriting process and it's very interesting but i don't like her timber: it's like listening to a recording of myself (and i hate my voice); LWYMMD tho i like the way she sings :crossed: i actually liked hearing her and she's not actually even singing  :deadbanana:  :deadbanana: but the song was too petty and not grown up enough tho :/  


    i tried to get into her music, like she says i'll see how this one ends  :popcorn:

  10. i'm sure no one is saying it's easy but it's her job, if she decides to do live shows her performances need to be nice or at least she should try to make them so. many of her fans are young and probably depend on their parents, not everyone will have the opportunity to see her more than once so she should honour that and make it memorable. the conditions during her lives can be improved, and it's not that unbearable other artists do it too 


    i just want lana to be the best she can be :hooker:  :rock:  

  11. You know what tho, I think that'd be really fun. Like how would the score cards look and everything? And like what would the markers be? I think I'm overthinking this a little bit but yes, I'd b for it.


    I get what you're saying, but I think it'd be good for replay value if it was pretty short. It wouldn't drag, I mean I wouldn't mind really either way, it's a video, but here's hoping it's well made. 


    After listening to The Avener remix of LFL, I'm actually wondering if they'll have a space theme remix of White Mustang now too, I'd give it a listen  :really: 


    I had to go and listen to The Avener mix for lfl, because I didn't until now. I think LDR's artistry has the potential for that, even if we get everything wrong it sounds like teasing fun just to lay out the archetypes of her aes xx


    yeah, i haven't thought about it especially since it will increase her streaming of the song on other platforms no matter what, so i'll be expecting a 5 minutes long video for now (if .. we get it) unless she goes for a simple super 8 style she usually nails her videos, if she does i'm going to be let down  :whine:  

  12. I laughed harder than I should I have, but it's trueeeeee. 


    Plot twist, it's actually going to have a monologue first, and then half of it will be of men fixing the Mustang after needing a service change. 


    :thumb3:  :thumb3:  :thumb3:  :thumb3:

    with all these recurring themes and tropes i'm kinda surprised we're not having a lana del rey mv bingo (the mechanic aesthetic with sweaty men in white tanks, i cannot) 


    still it sounds strange to do so much with such a short song :/ at least for me

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