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Posts posted by LaMartine

  1. I don't know how to feel, i really have mixed feelings about lana's attitude. I think she should be able to disappear and do what she wants but without being a hater (and I like pop music as a genre, since I really like everything) most hits rn are SO basic.not trying to be pretentious. Even the music videos today aren't that impressive tbh and lana downplays her songs too much, honestly if she wanted she could turn some of her songs on lust for life into some radio hits. Maybe there aren't any accessible epic sounds like Ride, West Coast or BTD but her views on her vevo are getting ridiculously low these last years and it's mostly due to negligence imo. Like Hotline Bling didn't have anything special, except perhaps Drake's ridiculous dance moves that turned him into a meme; I'm not saying she should do something like that or break down into a britney spears style choreography, i want her to be more unapologetically herself -but like, expressing it in a mv or something-.


    Maybe being 100% herself is to disappear to her apt in the middle of the H, and as long we have the music i'm ok but seriously rn there's nothing of interest for me in the music industry,. Apart perhaps from kendrick lamar's new album and Taylor Swift buying snake jewelry. (Lana please come up with something cool  :defeated: )

  2. i don't know if it's my stan side but i see a lana reference in every song omg, did she just say he's a killer, she's holding him for ransom,he's younger but doesn't look like it, she's a thief, "He can be my jailer Burton to this Taylor", and she asks him to touch her (by the waist) :O  :creep:  :creep:  :creep: 

  3. As I gather from the james bond article about beyoncé (which is just a rumor for the mo?) there's a subtext about stardom. So is Lana Del Rey a big star? She seems to have made a name in the movie soundtrack milieu. Beyoncé made a song for 50 shades so i doubt she'd turn down james bond ... unless the song she's propositioned to interpret is shit since she's not actually the person who composes/writes.  :pft:

  4. LOL you know what I can agree with you on that. Barely have any Taurus on my chart, sadly, but I know of one that is really intelligent and hardworking, but likes to sleep all day when she doesn't. It's a strange contrast

    yeah i don't know what to believe but it's so funny :rollin: , and à propos your friend: it looks about right lol! i'm taurus everything, even my chinese sign apparently is their version of taurus smh and i have pulled some pretty epic procrastination gimmicks, i'm ashamed to say that i empathise with lana's lazy assness. I would have stopped making mvs a long ago unless i was really inspired. 

    This era feels like traveling through Sahara

    le désir pour la vie par le biais de la traversée du désert  :magikarp:

  5. are we talking about singles or visuals/mv? because paradise managed to have a visual for every song except American! (I'll cheat and count the Rosalita monologue for cola, lol if she had pushed it could have been a legit mv), that era was so gold with all those movie soundtracks here & there 


    UV: brooklyn baby, cruel world out of curiosity, mpg


    HM: Art Deco to complete the Trap Trinity and have a tragic party song, TBD, Swan Song or GKIT out of curiosity


    LFL: Cherry, yes for TNC acoustic duet, Get Free, Heroin out of curiosity 


    General and in no order: KOOL, Serial Killer, Maha Maha, Go Go dancer, Ghetto Baby, Hit & Run, Dum Dum honestly all these songs could be in a "short" cabaret-style movie, with Lana being this sultry serial seducer that gets rid of people like a religious mantis and throws her men's corpses in her truck to dump them in her backyard like in the Love Witch as she travels motel to motel, bar lounge to bar lounge to perform and she meditates who's going to be the next victim she goes to fish from her audience. So the music would play as she's listening to it to the radio or while she goes live. I could pen her a script :lmao:   

  6. Listening to the Lust For Life instrumental, I think I would have really loved this song had there not been Abel's unnecessary & annoying voice in the chorus. I need a version with pure Lana.

    i have a feeling this song sounds incomplete because abel's voice doesn't add too much to lana's, with the way they sing it wasn't complimentary enough, if Abel had dropped the falsetto at some point I would have gotten some closure perhaps


  7. What do you guys think about Taylor's plot with the concert tickets? 


    For those that missed out, fans who buy expensive merch get a boost in line for ticket sales. You also get this for watching the music video and buying the album but not as big of a boost as buying a $60 sweatshirt. Here's a link 



    Personally I think it's thinly-veiled greed and disrespectful to fans 

    the thing is, taylor isn't the only one who does that but she's the only one who gets criticised rn, if she deserves the backlash i don't know i'm not sure 


    it's a technique to avoid scalping, basically greedy men who have cash buy several tickets as soon as they are available and sell them for a multiple price i know that i really struggle to buy tickets because it takes me a lot of time to make a decision :/ especially if the artist doesn't go on tour very often (which i don't know for taylor but it's definitely true for the PEOPLE I LISTEN TO GODDAMIT) and as far as i know you can be priority for free, i know those who yell that you need to buy the album several times to get a ticket lie -.- basically it counts how many views you have on her vevo, tweets, IG, other social media you need to #her + merch/downloads/other stuff you buy. it's for the fans who really are into the artists but get denied tickets because they can't get to buy them. i remember how happy i was to know paolo conte of all people was having a concert in my city (in france!!!) but it was already sold out by the time i opened my laptop and a lowlife was selling tickets 4 times the price like they were leaves of bread. it's really a no win-win situation, if tickets are too expensive you're greedy but if they're too cheap scalpers who lurk the internet will buy lots of them and i don't think these teenagers' parents like to buy stuff from them 


    at least i think that's why, whenever i see an article about taylor swift i admit i take it with a grain of salt because people love to hate her so much and i despise click baits  


    plus it also makes sense to me that if you are invested with an artist you should be have easier access? it's like a vente privé from a shop you go to very often 

  8. I think what makes LFL so particular is what it sounds like it was recorded underwater, i don't know if that's what she means for 'muddy trap' but the reverberations of her voice sound like it was recorded in some place humid. (and I love it) there are some songs here that people could dance the rock to too, like groupie love sounds perfect for a prom slow dance and wtwwaw has also this lively ballroom feeling to it

  9. Oh, I had no idea that the US arms South Korea with weapons, only that they had some kind of alliance. :( Do they also provide Japan with weapons?

    (Sweden sells aeroplanes as weapons too, I wish we didn't. Nobody in Sweden likes it but we keep doing it to get money. That's the only argument the government has. Ugh.  :sadcore3: )

    Japan isn't allowed to attack, they are not independent. They have an army for self-defence but they can't use outside of their country, they depend solely on the US. And Korea is dabbling with nuclear weapons, but they do try and send invitations for peace talks to the US because of their hostility but the US flatly refuses every single time because in the peace talks propositions the nuclear disarmament was never tackled. US hegemony of nuclear weaponry is what drives the hostile countries to the west to acquirer them, in case if something happened. The US pushes for desarmement of the "enemy" country, but the latter doesn't want to lose ground. After all, after Libya declared they got rid of their nuclear weapons the americans attacked their country (Onu did but you can guess ...), tore down the dictatorship and this lead to an unresolved civil war. Now Italy & Greece pay the consequences of refugees dying in their seas. This and American intervention in Iraq doesn't push NK to consider giving up on nuclear weapons thus it impedes all talks for peace. If NK ever got rid of them, being a poor country like you highlighted would make them a very weak target. Americans might attack the country and leave chaos behind them. 


    You can stem it down to who should hold nuclear weapons, i don't know. We're all stupid countries. Now we even have a new cold war and an american government that doesn't act for the benefit of its people ... 

    nuclear disarmament


    nuclear disarmament

  10. If you do it 1st they can't after, bcos dead, also you got anti missile stuff alll over the world to protect USA


    sorry no you can't nuke innocent people like that, nk is a fucking oppressive dictatorship and in case of nuclear war south koreans and other parts of east asia are going to go down first what kind of logic is that 


    nk does send invitation to peace talks time to time,that was a start, if the americans didn't have someone dumber than a cheeto ruling them things wouldn't have escalated to this point and then they still wouldn't react like they do, what's up with this cavalier attitude about people's lives?? since when does it work? america fails at this philosophy every single time, spreading chaos and then living their comfortable life at home: irak, lybia and so on  


    america will do just fine probably,it's the rest of the world who will pay the consequences, in this case asian people 

  11. that video was like... the mental image of the word "meh"


    .. like yeah taylor we get it, the color red, old taylor is dead and ur big and scary now, you have a girl gang, snakes everywhere. like what else is new

    .... i'm pretty sure this video was for her fans, you're taking it at face value like the press and her detractors are supposed to do but the message that i gather is that "you are welcome anyway idc" this video is so full of easter eggs that i'm missing, only her fandom can dig out all of them 


    yo lana has songs like brooklyn baby, fmwuttt and money/power/glory that if taken at the first degree are a feast for those who enjoyed making fun of her back when it was cool

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