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About EVOL

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    Not Telling
  • Location
    South Africa

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  1. There is still ~hope~ http://romy-1251.tumblr.com/post/90591432370/lana-called-it-quits-with-barrie-like-less-than-a-month This is all very confusing.
  2. Damn, The Duchess, Loose and The Sweet Escape were my jam. I secretly had Cassie's album on rotate as well. And ofcourse Back To Basics.
  3. Hmmm seems I voted opposite to everyone else in the poll. Eeep. Voted anticipated for Rihanna. Mainly because while she's a mess, she has some music that I like to booty pop to, which is all I expect from a pop musician. Soooo... Least anticipated for Gaga. Was a huge fan that tired of her antics with music that didn't match the hype. okdontkillmethanksbye
  4. Youth Serum? Now I'm imagining a witchy/voodoo-esque version of Death Becomes Her. please let this happen
  5. Yay, an AHS thread. Liked both season 1 & 2 for different reasons, although season 2 has been my favourite so far. Bit nervous about the next, I can handle horror better than I can the supernatural. lol
  6. Can't. Fucking. Wait. I'm loving the Grindhouse look of the poster. Although I doubt when Lana says a "city near you", that it includes anywhere on the African continent. *womp womp*
  7. EVOL

    Jessie Ware

    Adore Jessie and love the collab's she's done with Disclosure etc
  8. Interesting interview, thanks for posting...
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